Saturday 12 May 2018

Items needed for Wet Panty

A sequel to an earlier comic strip that I made.

If you want to know which panties were featured in this comic, the purple panties were based on the ones that the female fencers from The Astyanax wear, the white panties were based on the ones worn by Nariko from Heavenly Sword, and the pink panties with a white stripe in the middle were based on the ones worn by Maron from Astra Superstars.

And like this comic said, any female who is about to get their panties wet due to the wet panty prank should be wearing swimwear bottoms instead of panties.

Friday 11 May 2018

The End of Funorb

On the 8th of May, 2018, Jagex announced that the Funorb servers will close down on the 7th of August, 2018.

Having played the games of Funorb during its early years, it is sad that the website had to close its doors for good. However, with Mozilla Firefox version 52 terminating support for the Java browser plug-in, leaving the troublesome Internet Explorer as the only web browser to support the Java plug-in, it will make sense for Jagex to make a painful decision.

Also, the discontinuation of the Java plug-in by good web browsers such as Firefox and Chrome was one of the reasons that made me decide to quit Runescape on the 27th of March, 2017. Given that plug-ins have become vulnerabilities as well, I would also get rid of the Java plug-in, which I already did, if it means getting rid of software vulnerabilities.

Funorb logo © Jagex.

Update: Funorb did go offline on the 7th of August, 2018. The link to the Funorb website now redirects to the Jagex website.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Wet Panty

The one who got her panties wet should have been in swimwear instead of lingerie. Now she will need to change her panties...

Click here if you want to know where i got the inspiration for this comic.

With a prank that involves getting a pair of panties wet, you can say that two-piece swimwear bottoms are better than panties, given that lingerie were not meant to get wet unlike bikinis, which are more suitable for getting wet in.

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