Wednesday 12 June 2019

Microsoft's History with Nintendo

Ladies and gentlemen, we have accomplished the impossible. Banjo-Kazooie is going to take part in Nintendo's Super Smash Bros tournament for the first time ever.

After years of living in the sidelines, Banjo-Kazooie has just become the first Microsoft representative in Super Smash Bros history. Given that Nintendo and Microsoft are Console Wars competitors, this has to be the biggest turning point in the history of Microsoft content on Nintendo platforms, which was something that was never done before since the Game Boy Color versions of Microsoft 6 in 1 Puzzle Collection and the Microsoft Best of Entertainment Pack.

Now all we need is for Nintendo to finally remove the no non-video game characters allowed restriction, and we will all be rejoicing, especially when we can either fulfill the campaign to have #JusticeForAshKetchum or have the Pokemon anime's low intelligence protagonist finally killed off for good. But then again, non-video game characters will be toxic for Super Smash Bros, in contrast to the Microsoft-owned Rare giving Banjo-Kazooie a license to take part in Super Smash Bros.

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