Tuesday 29 October 2019

Pitman Reunion

Well, this has to be an awkward reunion of Pitman protagonists...

Did you know that pitman is a slang term for a coal miner from Scotland or Northern England? In fact, the original Pitman game that Yutaka Isokawa designed for the Sharp MZ-700 was about an archaeological explorer pushing rocks and digging through earth to get all the gold in every level. The Game Boy version, while retaining the earth digging and rock pushing elements, changed the plot to a Catboy and Catgirl punching out bad guys to escape a forbidden haunted house, and was launched in North America as Catrap with one level being altered differently being the biggest regional difference.

The word catrap refers to the frequent number of times the player is trapped and needs to reverse their movements.

While Catrap was proposed to be launched in Europe as Power Paws, the game never had an official launch in that region until the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console re-release under the Catrap title in 2011.

Saturday 19 October 2019

An Overdue Blizzcon Announcement

Not even Doctor Strange would be able to find a single outcome in the Warcraft series where the Void Lords finally get defeated.

If people who wish to quit World of Warcraft have a genuine reason to quit the game (other than cutting costs, boycotting Blizzard for disqualifying Hearthstone tournament winners who are willing to stand up for democracy, Activision's bad management, etc.), it would be the sad realization that not one outcome, not even a single what if scenario, end with the Void Lords being defeated by anybody.

This would mean that if it was confirmed that the Dark Titan Sargeras did actually win when he stabbed Silithus, then his victory would actually be a hollow one, because the Void Lords always win, and not even the what if scenarios where the bad guys win will do anything to prevent the Void Lords from winning at the end. In other words, the Burning Legion's campaign to take over Azeroth was doomed from the start. Even if the Burning Legion won, which they actually did, thanks to Sargeras stabbing Silithus, their victory will be short-lived, because they will have to deal with the Void Lords themselves, and defeat at the hands of the Void Lords will be inevitable.

Imagine if somebody were to make this important revelation at Blizzcon about analyzing millions of outcomes in the Warcraft series, and every one of them ended with the Void Lords winning, how will everybody attending Blizzcon react to this announcement?

In other words, well played, Chris Metzen.

Wednesday 9 October 2019


Now you know how it feels to be a victim of being inflated, Dr Eggman, given that you have never been inflated before.

Today's comic is a portmanteau of Exeggcute and executed.

Another comic about execution? What kind of people are we appeasing? People who, like Mayor Gene, dislike video game villains?

For more than a decade, Sonic fan art had been plagued by inflation fetish. Between this, the upcoming Sonic film, and some terrible Sonic games, the Sonic series has really fallen on hard times. Even the Puyo Puyo series is in far better shape than the Sonic series right now...

To vent my frustration on the disgraceful state of the Sonic series, I drew Dr Eggman being inflated by Dig Dug's Taizo Hori, just to appease people who, like me, dislike video game villains, to the point that they have to be executed.

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