Sunday 31 March 2024

Foolishness of God

You were expecting a comic about Resurrection Sunday to be uploaded. But it was a comic about why April Fools' Day needs to be abolished that got uploaded instead.

April Fools' Day was a mistake because there is nothing good about foolishness, and this was explicitly stated in the Bible. The foolishness of God, however, is wiser than men. But April Fools' Day has nothing to do with the foolishness of God because it was never the result of the foolishness of God. Therefore, April Fools' Day should be abolished because it is one of the fruits of the confusion this world has been afflicted with.

Friday 29 March 2024

Exposing the Emissions Cartel

You were expecting a comic about Good Friday or crucifixion. But it was a comic about German consumers being angry at the corporate greed of their country's automakers that got uploaded instead.

Did you know that BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche were accused of operating a "car cartel" as far back as the 1990s? Despite being arch-rivals, these German automakers have been revealed to be secretly working together to deceive American environmental agencies. All of this was part of the German industrialists' post-war plan to conquer the global economy. Unfortunately, German consumers have seen this deception, and are now furious at such anti-consumer business practices. This is the "Dieselgate" scandal, and German consumers have joined hands with American consumers to boycott Volkswagen in protest against anti-consumer business practices.

However, that is nothing compared to the German business leaders' corporate greed being responsible for the Second Reich instigating World War 1 and the Third Reich instigating World War 2. This means Kaiser Wilhelm II as well as Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were pawns of a shadow government all along. Even without mentioning these people, Angela Merkel revealed this truth on the day she stepped down as chancellor of Germany.

Sadly, the corporate greed that made Germany start two World Wars will also bring about a third World War. One that will bring the Anglosphere and Israel to their knees for being very wayward, and will threaten to turn the Earth into a tohu and bohu hellscape where no flesh is saved alive. Thankfully, Christ will come again, and he will free Germany from the corporate greed that brought misery to millions of people worldwide.

In conclusion, Germany's brand of corporate greed should be locked up in prison. Period.

Monday 25 March 2024

Meet the Original Characters

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the moment you have been waiting for. The Neo Retro Union Original Characters' names have been revealed, and they are going to be introduced in the style of the "Meet the Team" series from Team Fortress 2.

The names of the Neo Retro Union Original Characters are: Red Cap, Major Duncan, Captain Rodney, Oberon, Blondette, Brunetta, Turquoise, Amethyst, Magenta, and Sabriel.

Red Cap: A huge fan of SNK franchises, mostly The King of Fighters and Metal Slug. His main inspiration was Terry Bogard, and he believes that freedom and justice must prevail.

Major Duncan: An Army officer who, like Red Cap, believes that freedom and justice must prevail. Inspired by the heroes of Contra and Metal Slug.

Captain Rodney: A Navy captain who remembers the glory days of naval warfare from 1904 to 1991. He is a friend of Major Duncan, is named after the battleship HMS Rodney, and inspired by Captain Haddock from Tintin.

Oberon: A sailor who serves Captain Rodney. He is named after the submarine HMS Oberon, which in turn was named after the fairy king from William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Blondette: A friend of Red Cap who likes magical girls, and believes that freedom and justice must prevail. She was aptly named because of her blonde hair.

Brunetta: Blondette's brunette friend and another friend of Red Cap. Also likes magical girls.

Turquoise: The Matriarch of the Swimming Pool. Her name was due to her turquoise hair. She is friends with Red Cap, Blondette and Brunetta. Another fan of magical girls.

Amethyst: She was named after a semi-precious gemstone due to her purple hair. Loosely based on Gradriel from Princess Crown as well as Crispy Toast Original Character Leilanie. Likes gems because she was named after a gemstone. Likes magical girls as well.

Magenta: Her pink hair makes her a big fan of Rit from Rod Land and Soldam. She used to be afraid of being seen in skimpy swimwear until she met Turquoise. She likes magical girls and her friends include Red Cap, Blondette, Brunetta, Turquoise and Amethyst.

Sabriel: Named after the titular heroine of a Garth Nix novel. Like Blondette, Brunetta, Turquoise, Amethyst and Magenta, she likes magical girls. She misses the glory days that was the 1990s. But so do the other characters.

All of these characters have one thing in common. They believe that the Holy Bible was the greatest instruction manual ever written, and they believe that justice is important. If you want to redraw them as actual human characters, feel free to do so.

Sunday 24 March 2024

Manasseh the Forgetful

In Hebrew, Manasseh means "causing to forget" or "one who forgets". Also, Joseph's son Manasseh was believed to be the ancient progenitor of the American people. The sad part is that the distant descendants of the lost tribe of Manasseh have lost their memory as well. This is very dangerous for America because the United States of America is possibly that great nation that was established by the descendants of Manasseh according to Genesis 48:19.

Friday 22 March 2024

Half-Life Disappointment

Isn't it disappointing that we will never get Half-Life 2: Episode 3 and Half-Life 3 at all? It gets even more disappointing when you come to the realization that not only was Gordon Freeman not the most important character despite being the player's character, but the most important character, Eli Vance, died at the end of Half-Life 2: Episode 2. With all that said, Steam users would rather hear the disappointing news about Half-Life 3 being cancelled than to be left in the dark over the fate of Half-Life 3. If Half-Life 3's cancellation was confirmed, Steam users will understand, and they can finally go back to their lives. Talk about a huge disappointment.

Tuesday 19 March 2024

The Sour Rivalry

America's miraculous victory over Japan in the Pacific Theater of World War 2 would not have been possible if not for the sour rivalry between the Imperial Japanese Army and the Imperial Japanese Navy. This toxic inter-service rivalry within the Japanese camp allowed America and Britain to pick up the pieces after a string of defeats and hit back with a vengeance. Even after Japan surrendered, the insane rivalry between the Imperial Japanese Army and the Imperial Japanese Navy continued until the Allies ordered both of them to be disbanded altogether.

In conclusion, do not trust World War 2 Daisenryaku games where you fight as the Empire of Japan against the Allies because the Daisenryaku series does not take into account the leadership dysfunction of any faction.

Monday 18 March 2024

Voice Actress Audition

Author's Note: Given that I do not own Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, I do not know if the Final Fantasy 7 Remake Trilogy production team gave Jenova a voice for that infamous quote where she taunts Cloud by saying "Because, you are... a puppet."

If Jenova had a voice actress, that voice actress would have to make the villainess sound menacing. Currently, the two best choices for Jenova's voice would be to either make her sound like the Evil Queen from the Animated Disney Snow White or to make her sound like a female version of Polygon Man. However, having no set form means it's almost impossible for Jenova to have a voice, which is why everything about Jenova is very unsettling, including her theme...

Sunday 17 March 2024

Emergency Meeting

You thought you were expecting a Saint Patrick's Day comic. But it was a comic about a very important emergency meeting about the Age of Turmoil that got uploaded instead.

Judging by the unlawful lawsuits against Fair Use, the conflicts in Ukraine and Israel, the tensions over Korea and Taiwan, and the European Union's bullying of American companies, it is safe to say that the beast that was, but now is not, and yet God says it still is has started to emerge out of the bottomless pit. The sad part is, there will be many casualties because the European Union has been officially exposed by Bernard Connolly to be a "cloak for German Ambitions", and all efforts to fight against the final rise of a warmongering empire will sadly fail because fighting against prophecy is futile.

However, we must remember that it is Jesus Christ's inflexible purpose to destroy German militarism and Nazism and to ensure that Germany will never again be able to disturb the peace of the world. Regardless of all the losses we will suffer during the Great Tribulation, Christ's return will bring about a massive restoration where everything will be rebuilt. But it will not be on the old foundation because all cities through all of human history were founded on the wrong character. Even the calendar we are using is potentially wrong, because the New Year should start on the Spring Equinox. As for those who have wronged us, they will be forced to go through a reeducation program, whether they like it or not.

Saturday 16 March 2024

Fury Against War Criminals

Imagine how outraged the majority of the Japanese people would be if they found out that the reason their country did not repent for war crimes during World War 2 was because of their post-war democracy being originally run by high-profile war criminals that were not punished at all, but were acquitted so that they could be anti-communist allies of the Allied Powers during the Cold War. The fury of the Japanese people will be so great that the Japanese government will tremble before them.

Surely, the majority of the Japanese people want their country to repent of any wrongdoing, and not continue to deny war crimes, if it means making peace between Japan and various Asian countries. But the Japanese government isn't too keen in upholding the freedoms of the Japanese people, and instead impose new laws to suppress the freedoms of the Japanese people. It's only a matter of time before the Japanese people rise up in anger like the angry mob from The Simpsons Movie against the lies and deceit of their own government...

The Simpsons © FOX.

Thursday 14 March 2024

Lack of Repentance

Any German who learns about their country's lack of repentance despite their thousands of apologies are going to have a surprised Pikachu face.

If there is any dirty secret that should alarm everybody, it's Germany's lack of repentance. Niklas Frank has already warned everyone who reads his book "In the Shadow of the Reich" that post-war Germany did not repent at all. This is a terrifying reality, not just to the German people, but to all of Germany's future enemies in the coming World War 3. This includes the Anglosphere, Israel, Russia and China. Maybe Germany should spend more time repenting and less time on hating Donald Trump because Donald Trump has seen the real truth about Germany's deceitful lack of honesty. But no. Germany isn't called the nation of the "deceiver people" for no reason. It doesn't have a little deceit. It is full of it. Germany has blackmailed everyone in regards to the country being penitent, and the Anglosphere was deceived into believing that Germany has atoned, when in reality Germany has never repented of their misdeeds in World War 2. That's why Russia, China, and everyone else who are on their side are furious right now. They are upset about Germany's deceit, and it will lead to the worst conflict you can ever imagine...

Sunday 10 March 2024

Swimming Pool Matriarch Visual Gag Variations 5

Author's Note: This is the first Matriarch of the Swimming Pool comic since Neo Retro Union started its Bluesky account.

Did you know that Japanese copyright law did not incorporate Fair Use? If you have found out about this, good job. You have found out why Nintendo, Square Enix and Toei have been copystriking so-called "rogue" fans for alleged acts of copyright infringement.

Speaking of Japan, it turns out there was no repentance for all the war crimes committed in World War 2 because many of Japan's war criminals were never punished. That's why the Japanese government can deny war crimes and get away with it. It gets even worse when you find out that there was no repentance in Germany as well. If it's revealed that many aspects of post-war Germany, including copyright management authorities, were influenced, dominated and administered according to the will of National Socialism, all I can say about modern Germany is "Democracy Ãœber Alles, my foot".

In Dragon Quest VI, Ashlynn and Milly both commented about the angel leotard, which is known for increasing the wearer's resistance against instant death spells. Ashlynn says that the angel leotard is more of Milly's style, while Milly says that the angel leotard suits Ashlynn better than her. But true Dragon Quest fans say the angel leotard looks good on both of them.

With the deaths of Koichi Sugiyama and Akira Toriyama, Dragon Quest XII could possibly be the last Dragon Quest game. It's unknown if Yuji Horii will retire to honor the memories of the dead men after the launch of Dragon Quest XII.

When Rooster Teeth launched Red Vs Blue, there was no MySpace because MySpace was launched on 1 August 2003, while the first episode of Red Vs Blue came out on 1 April 2003.

When Vimeo was established, there was no YouTube because Vimeo's establishment was in November 2004, while YouTube was launched on 14 February 2005.

Saturday 9 March 2024

The Melancholy of 2024

2024 is turning into yet another Annus Horribilis. The earthquake that happened in Japan on the first day of 2024, followed by a runway collision at Haneda Airport that killed five Coast Guard officers in the line of duty was already bad enough. Funimation being assimilated into Crunchyroll made things worse. And now, Warner Bros is disbanding Rooster Teeth because they are no longer profitable. But the real deal has to be the death of Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama, whose other works included Dr Slump, as well as artwork contributions to Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger and Blue Dragon.

Akira Toriyama died on the 1st of March, 2024. But his obituary was revealed seven days later. Japan is like a tortoise when it comes to announcements about several high-profile obituaries. Now that Akira Toriyama is dead like Koichi Sugiyama, who died in 2021, expect Koichi Sugiyama and Akira Toriyama to appear in the "In Memory of" section of the Dragon Quest XII credits.

When Red Vs Blue first came out, there was no YouTube, let alone no MySpace. Now that Rooster Teeth is disbanding due to lack of profitability, the fate of the final season is looking uncertain. Hopefully Phil Spencer will acquire the rights to Red Vs Blue because this web series was based on Microsoft's Halo franchise. Then Red Vs Blue can have the poetic ending it finally deserves.

If 2024 is the year our childhood starts dying, then we probably need to let go of zeitgeist nostalgia, because Isaiah 43:18-19 says that we should forget the former things and not dwell on the past because God is doing a new thing by making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Given that the turmoil that began in 2020 is going to get worse in the coming days, Isaiah 43:18-19 is going to be even more relevant now than ever before. To quote Dr Strange in Avengers: Infinity War, "We are in the Endgame now."

Farewell Akira Toriyama, and thanks for all the Kamehamehas, Fusion Dances and Dragon Quest Slimes.

Thursday 7 March 2024

When Truth Gets Blocked...

As much as I want to show my support for people who hate copyright trolls and AI, sharing conspiracy theories about the European Union's nefarious plans to weaponize AI and the European Union's corrupt bureaucrats secretly giving instructions to copyright trolls to issue false copyright claims against Fair Use got me blocked by some of the people who I wish to befriend on Bluesky because they are not ready to hear my truth.

If you are reading this, please learn from my mistakes and do not share conspiracy theories with anyone who is not ready to hear the truth because they will block you as well for knowing too much.

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Not-So-Friendly Bluesky

Sorry for not uploading any new comics on this blog. I was busy with reuploading them on my new Bluesky account. You might want to check it out here.

While Bluesky is a great alternative to Twitter X, it may not be as great as you think. Given that it was made by Twitter creator Jack Dorsey, you can expect things in Bluesky to become toxic within the first year after opening its doors to the public. Especially when there's a rivalry between right-wing trolls and left-wing trolls, and Bluesky users have been told to block both of them.

Then there's the sharing of conspiracy theories that some Bluesky users do not want to hear. This results in the Bluesky user who shares conspiracy theories about the European Union's nefarious plans to weaponize AI getting blocked by other Bluesky users, even though this conspiracy theory is one that is anti-AI. This was the mistake that I made that got me blocked by a few Bluesky users. If you want to have a good and happy experience on Bluesky, please avoid making the mistakes that I made when I started jumping on the Bluesky bandwagon.

So if you think Bluesky is worse than X, Gettr, or Gab, the sad truth is, we are running out of choices. Unless you decide to jump on the Nostr bandwagon, but it will not be the same as jumping on the Bluesky bandwagon, though.

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