Friday, 28 February 2025

Green Gemstone Venn Diagram

While an emerald is harder than a jade, which explains why cutting jade in RuneScape has a chance of getting a crushed gem, what these two green gemstones have in common is that both emeralds and jades get turned into bolt tips for crossbow bolts in RuneScape.

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Rome's Dark Secret

Fun Fact: When the Greek name of Rome's founder Romulus gets translated to Hebrew, the numerical value of the Hebrew letters that spell Romiith add up to the Devilish Number of the Beast.

The story of Rome's founding by Romulus and Remus did not have a happy ending because Romulus and Remus got into an argument that escalated into a bootleg Latin version of the Cain and Abel story that Bible readers are familiar with. Not only did Romulus end up killing his own brother, he did not have any regret or remorse doing so. It's even worse when you find out that the numerical value of the Hebrew letters that spell Romiith, which is the Hebrew translation of the Greek name of Romulus, add up to the Number of the Beast. In other words, the Italian Capital City really has a very dark secret that may go beyond the story of the city's founder killing his brother in a bootleg Latin version of the biblical story of Cain and Abel...

For more information, please watch the video below.

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Mithril Warhammers United

Characters wielding Old School RuneScape Mithril Warhammers featured from left to right starting with the top row:

Row 1: Amy Rose (Sonic), Lip (Panel de Pon), Yoshi (Super Mario), Red Yoshi (Super Mario), Blue Yoshi (Super Mario), Yellow Yoshi (Super Mario).

Row 2: Hat Kid (A Hat in Time), Suchie-Pai (Suchie-Pai), Rit (Rod Land, Soldam), Klonoa (Klonoa), Toon Link (The Legend of Zelda), Ryo Sakazaki (The King of Fighters XV Attire) (The King of Fighters).

Row 3: Garfield (Garfield), Edd (Ed Edd N Eddy), Gilius Thunderhead (Golden Axe), Tyris Flare (Golden Axe), Ax Battler (Golden Axe), Simon Belmont (As he appeared in Captain N: The Game Master) (Castlevania).

Row 4: RED Soldier (Team Fortress 2), BLU Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Dirk the Daring (Dragon's Lair), Spelunker (Spelunker), Wynn (Mystery of Atlantis), Lemming (Lemmings).

Yet another comic where characters wielding Old School RuneScape weapons are rising up in united arms against the injustices plaguing the Earth? Looks like justice know no boundaries...

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Warships Named After Canberra

Fun Fact: USS Canberra was named in honor of HMAS Canberra, a cruiser that was sunk by the Japanese during the Battle of Guadalcanal. Also, HMAS Canberra (L02) participated in the commissioning of USS Canberra (LCS-30).

Friday, 21 February 2025

Bottomless Pit Prison Sentence

In The Legend of Zelda TV series episode "The Moblins Are Revolting", Ganon's soldiers staged a mutiny by imprisoning Ganon in the Bottomless Pit. Ganon's prison sentence in the Bottomless Pit lasted several minutes of screentime and Ganon already found it unbearable.

Speaking of prison sentences in the Bottomless Pit, did you know that the Devilish One will be locked up in the Bottomless Pit for 1000 years? If being locked up in the Bottomless Pit for several minutes is unbearable, then a 1000-year prison sentence in the Bottomless Pit will be extreme torture. Even then, that will be nothing compared to the Devilish One getting tortured in the Lake of Hellfire before getting banished to Outer Darkness forever. That will be the ultimate torment awaiting the Devilish One and his demons at the end of this Age...

The Legend of Zelda © Nintendo.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Metal Bar Venn Diagram

Author's Note: Only RuneScape metals that exist in the real world are featured in this Venn Diagram comic.

Metals that are used for manufacturing weapons and armor: Iron, Steel.

Metals that are used for manufacturing sports medals: Gold, Silver.

Metals that are used for manufacturing weapons, armor and sports medals: Bronze.

While bronze is inferior to gold and silver as well as weaker than iron and steel, bronze has been widely used for the manufacturing of weapons, armor and sports medals, making it one of the most important metals in the history of metalworking.

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Broken Glass Sword

Glass swords are so fragile that wooden swords and bronze daggers are probably laughing at their impracticality.

Remember that time when Uncle Grandpa and his friends tried to open a package? They tried all sorts of items and methods unsuccessfully, with the usage of glass swords being one of them. The glass swords got shattered in the process, proving that the fragility of glass swords make them impractical.

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Mothballed Big Guns

If you think HMS Agincourt and HMS Erin getting decommissioned after less than ten years was disappointing, then you have obviously not heard about the short careers of the Alaska-class battlecruisers, the North Carolina-class battleships and the (1939) South Dakota-class battleships. In fact, none of these three ship classes will see any further action after Japan signed the surrender papers that officially ended World War 2, and the North Carolina-class battleships had shorter service lengths than HMS Agincourt. Talk about a short career...

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

The Face of Under One Roof

Sad news, folks. Moses Lim, the man who was the face of Under One Roof, passed away at the age of 75 yesterday. His health was not in good shape since 2018, but it was in 2023 when he revealed that he had a slow pulse rate that he decided not to return to the spotlight.

Farewell, Moses Lim. You were the face of Under One Roof and Singaporean sitcom in general.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

When Gold and Silver Becomes Worthless...

You know things are extremely bad when even the most insidious rogue states are not safe from the coming judgment that God is going to unleash on the Earth...

Imagine a day when gold and silver gets thrown on the streets due to these precious metals becoming worthless. One must wonder why they became worthless in the first place. Is it because of hyperinflation? Or is it because gold and silver will not protect anybody from the coming judgment that Ezekiel 7:19 spoke about? If gold and silver do become worthless as a result of its inability to protect anybody from judgment, is it because the next World War is the coming judgment? If that is true, then people will have to start cashing in their gold and silver before World War 3 destroys billions worldwide...

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Done with Lobster Consumption

If the dietary guidelines of Deuteronomy 14 were any indication, maybe it's time we stop eating lobsters and other seafood that do not have fins and scales. Maybe God does not want us to eat anything that he considers unclean because he knows shellfish such as lobsters are bottom feeders that eat rotten fish, and nobody in the right mind would eat rotten fish...

Friday, 7 February 2025

CD-i Tetris

While the Philips CD-i version of Tetris is not as fondly remembered as the Game Boy version or even the NES version due to being one of the worst versions of Tetris in existence, the scenery and music were the redeeming qualities that gave this game a special place in the hearts of video game historians and the Philips CD-i fanbase.

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Reef Crashers

If there is anything to blame for the sinking of KD Pendekar and HMNZS Manawanui as a result of colliding with coral reefs, blame navigational errors...

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Execution by Obliteration

Author's Note: All copyrights for the images in this comic go to their respective owners.

Remember the times when Dragon Ball Z's Goku obliterated baddies with his Kamehameha? Well, he would have obliterated Bubsy, Awesome Possum and Tingle with a Kamehameha just to appease the people who hate these guys.

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Ignored by the MultiVersus War

Sad news, folks. The online servers for MultiVersus are shutting down on the 30th of May, 2025. While Lola Bunny and Aquaman will be the final additions before MultiVersus says "That's All, Folks!" for the last time, this will mean a large number of characters from the Warner Bros Vault will never see action in MultiVersus at all. This comic features a few of the Cartoon Network characters that will never get to fight in MultiVersus.

Cow and Chicken: Does anybody remember Cow and Chicken? I do, because this show was one of the best animated sitcoms in the history of Cartoon Network. Looks like we will never get to see Supercow fight alongside Superman...

Ed, Edd n Eddy: Another great animated sitcom from Cartoon Network. The real reason we wanted to see the Eds fight in MultiVersus is because some people claim that the Eds are powerful enough to destroy every MCU villain that gets in their way, meaning they have the power to deny The Never Ending Story's The Nothing from destroying the entire Warner Bros Multiverse. It's a huge shame that the Eds will never get to participate in MultiVersus because Ed, Edd n Eddy was one of the best animated TV shows produced in Canada.

We Bare Bears: Yet another great animated sitcom from Cartoon Network. What started as a webcomic on Blogspot became a huge sensation after becoming an animated TV show on Cartoon Network. And let's not forget the times when the Bears got into combat situations in said TV show...

TL;DR, if the MultiVersus servers go offline, then The Nothing wins, and it's all David Zaslav's fault.

Cartoon Network TV Shows © Cartoon Network.

Monday, 3 February 2025

Anti-Tank Magical Girl

Continuing from that comic about characters who would win against a T-72 tank, I decided to expand on it by coming up with this comic about eight tanks Rit would win against if she were to confront them.

Remember when I said that the first boss of the Mysterious Pyramid levels of the arcade version of Rod Land was a tank? It turns out Rit and Tam won against that boss, which inspired me to come up with the comic about characters who would win against a T-72 tank, and this comic is a sequel focused on eight tanks Rit would win against if she were to confront them.

M47 Patton: This tank never got to fire a single shot in anger under the American Flag, but it saw a lot of action in various conflicts. However, its combat record was below average, with the biggest blemish being the Iran-Iraq War, where Iranian M47 Pattons got destroyed by Iraqi tanks of Russian origin.

Chieftain Tank: Britain's attempt to create a more powerful successor to the highly successful Centurion Tank was actually a disappointment that got rejected by Allied countries, including the Netherlands, Canada and Australia. There was a silver lining in that rejection, however, because Iranian Chieftains were getting massacred by Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War. Even Iraqi tank crews claim that their sabot rounds were going through Chieftain Tanks like a hot knife slicing through butter, and those claims turned out to be true.

Type 62 Tank: This Chinese light tank invaded Vietnam during the Sino-Vietnamese War, only to perform poorly in that conflict due to its weak armor.

Type 63 Tank: Another Chinese light tank that invaded Vietnam during the Sino-Vietnamese War. Like the Type 62, it performed poorly in that conflict as well. During the 1991 Gulf War, Iraqi Type 63 light tanks invaded the Saudi Arabian city of Ras Al Jafiji to little success. The reason behind the Type 63's poor performance in the Sino-Vietnamese War and the 1991 Gulf War? Blame its weak armor.

Type 69 Tank: When the Type 69 Tank first came out, it was initially rejected by the Chinese Ministry of Defence due to its poor performance, and all 100 Type 69 Tanks were sent back to the factory that built them. After improvements were made, the Type 69 tank got better. So much better that China manufactured Type 69 Tanks for Iran and Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War. Talk about playing both sides...

Panzer 68: The Panzer 68 had so many problems that it could well be considered the worst tank to have entered military service. The Swiss Ministry of Defence knew about the Panzer 68's problems and they rectified many of these problems with the upgrade to the 68/88 model.

TR-85: Romania's most successful attempt at an indigenous combat tank project was not without teething problems. The problems were so bad that the communist regime threatened to cease tank production. Even after the modernization program that came after the fall of communism, the TR-85 still looks like a relic of the Cold War. In fact, the Romanian Ministry of Defence is mulling over retiring the TR-85. But with no replacement, the TR-85 will have to remain in service with the Romanian Army despite its obsolescence.

Arjun MBT: India's attempt to create "Leopard 2 Tank at home" was a huge disaster. How bad was the Arjun MBT project, you say? The project was mired in so much corruption that the final product ended up having a worse performance than the T-90 Tank. And Krauss-Maffei's involvement in the Arjun MBT project wasn't helping either because the Arjun's MTU engines were not the type of engines you would expect to find in the Leopard 2, but rather, these MTU engines were similar to the ones found in the Leopard 1.

With all that said, if Rit is a magical girl that is capable of anti-tank warfare, then she is eligible to be on the "Top 10 Best Magical Girls" list.

Sunday, 2 February 2025

T-72 Destroyers

We have seen images of destroyed T-72 tanks in the Russo-Ukrainian War, the Syrian Civil War, the 1991 Gulf War, and the 2003 Iraq War. But one must wonder if the T-72 can be defeated by anyone with extraordinary powers. Here are some people who I think would win against a T-72.

Rit: In the Mysterious Pyramid levels that are exclusive to the Arcade version, the first boss of that set of levels is a tank, and Rit vanquished that boss. This means Rit would win against a T-72 if given the chance.

Captain Falcon: Anyone who wants to fight against Mute City's resident superhero clearly has a death wish. If a T-72 were to get Falcon Punched, it's as good as dead. Period.

Terry Bogard: The poster boy of the King of Fighters franchise did fight against tanks before. In The King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2, you get to fight against a Metal Slug, and Terry Bogard is one of the many characters going up against the Metal Slug, with the possibility of him winning. And let's not forget that time when he went up against General Morden in Metal Slug Attack. If Terry Bogard can win against a Metal Slug, then he can win against a T-72.

With all that said, T-72 tank crews better pray that their opponents are not any of these three characters.

Jaleco games and characters © City Connection. F-Zero © Nintendo. The King of Fighters © SNK.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

The Final Farewell Message Before RTS Became SBC

Remember the final End of Transmission announcement on 31 January 1980 before Radio Television Singapore became Singapore Broadcasting Corporation? If there was a final farewell message at the end of that End of Transmission, it would have said "Thanks For Watching! Goodbye For Now!" If such a farewell message did exist, TV viewers would have made their final goodbyes to Radio Television Singapore before it became Singapore Broadcasting Corporation on 1 February 1980.

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