Tuesday 20 November 2018


Author's note: This comic was created back in 2013 to usher in the launch of Sei Madou Monogatari, which was later launched outside Japan as Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God. Also, there were no Octomania cameos in the game.

There was already a reboot of Madou Monogatari for the Sega Saturn. Unfortunately, like all of the titles in the series prior to the international release of Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God, the Sega Saturn version of Madou Monogatari was never to leave Japan just like most of the games in Sega's Puyo Puyo series, which was a puzzle spin-off of the dungeon crawler series created by Compile. This means that Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God is the first Madou Monogatari game to be released in the international market. Unlike the previous reboot, this entry in the series is a genuine reboot with brand new characters and a brand new story. Credits to Compile Heart on reviving a forgotten dungeon crawler that almost nobody has even heard of.

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