Tuesday 18 December 2018

Scarred by Bad Endings

Given that Team Villains won the Splatoon 2 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Heroes Vs Villains Splatfest, people who dislike video game villains will be unduly upset. But it would be no use getting unduly upset, given that the two bad endings in the World of Light campaign, where either the multiverse gets vaporized, or turned into a black void, will leave anyone who got those endings severely traumatized. It's even worse than being unduly upset on top of that. Talk about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)...

Here is a summary of the bad endings:

Galeem Version: Dharkon gets obliterated and the World of Nintendo gets vaporized.

Dharkon Version: Dharkon outright kills Galeem after imprisoning him, and devours the World of Nintendo, turning it into a darkness-filled void.

Overall, both endings can only mean GAME OVER for Kirby and everyone in the multiverse.

If Mayor Gene from Wreck-It Ralph and Ralph Breaks The Internet was in those bad endings, his final words before either getting vaporized or swallowed by darkness would be "I REGRET NOTHING!!!!!" So much for somebody who disliked video game villains and getting unduly upset if they win just once, that they would turn a blind eye to even bigger threats like Galeem, Dharkon, and computer viruses.

If Team Rocket was also in the bad endings as well, they would not have been able to say any last words in the Galeem Version of the bad ending as they would have been vaporized before they can say anything at all. In the Dharkon version of the bad ending, Team Rocket's last words would have been "Looks like Team Rocket's getting swallowed up by darkness!!!!!"

In other words, avoid getting the bad endings at all costs and get the true ending. Explosive but extremely satisfactory.

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