Friday 26 April 2019

The Fronk Wars

Islands has to be one of the most chaotic mini-games featured in Game and Wario, especially when there is a seagull picking up Fronks and dropping them on a random location, mostly water, a tower stage where the tower capsizing means game over and the Fronk color that capsized the tower instantly loses with score wiped to zero, and a scale stage where Fronks sink should one side of the scale become too heavy.

The Islands mini-game boosted Fronk's popularity, and it got even better for this blocky side character in WarioWare Gold, where he was given a speaking role, and a vague backstory of how 9-Volt found him.

If Fronk was to be in a future Super Smash Bros game, he would be a shield breaker throwing item who would make a better shield breaker than Mr Saturn, as he would deal more damage than Mr Saturn, and he would not be randomly walking around.

Therefore, Fronk is a far better side character than Waluigi, because Waluigi does not even have a backstory, in contrast to Fronk's vague backstory.

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