Friday 12 July 2019

Lack of Justice

The late Takeshi Shudo actually wanted Ash Ketchum's first battle with wild Pokemon to end with him going up in smoke. However, Satoshi Tajiri rejected the idea of Ash dying, insisting that his death will make him and a lot of people, mostly young children, upset. But now, with the Pokemon TV series focusing on the Alola Pokemon League, if Ash still does not win the Pokemon League, there could potentially be a lot of people who will go on the streets to demand justice for Ash Ketchum as much as they demanded justice for Waluigi after he was used as a demonstration to show assist trophies being defeated in Super Smash Bros Ultimate during the E3 Convention in 2018.

Perhaps the reason Waluigi continues to be mistreated has to be because Luigi is portrayed as a loser, and Waluigi is an exaggerated version of said loser, which makes sense given that self-pity is the cornerstone of Waluigi's personality. While Luigi is supposed to be a similarity to Mario, which is why he was referred to as "The Eternal Understudy" in the Boxing Ring stage in Super Smash Bros, which makes him a loser by any other name, Waluigi is a spiteful person bitter at a society that has constantly rejected him because his name is an anagram for a word that means ill-tempered or mean-spirited. No wonder Nintendo continues to mistreat Waluigi. His name is an anagram for a word that does not mean anything positive.

It would be a great idea for a protagonist with below average intelligence to win at the endgame, but in a world where wild animals have special abilities that could kill humans by the tens of thousands, or worse, millions, it's no wonder Takeshi Shudo and every single director of the Pokemon TV series that came after, rejected the idea of Ash Ketchum winning at the endgame, because Satoshi Tajiri's vision for the Pokemon World was one of wild beasts with immense powers that could potentially cause humanity's extinction, given that real-life animals have disappeared from the Pokemon World long before the events of the Generation 1 Pokemon games, as well as the possibility of a massive war taking place before the Generation 1 games, and the Pokemon Adventures manga, which featured the darkest incarnation of the Pokemon World, getting officially endorsed by Satoshi Tajiri as it was the closest and most faithful to the Pokemon World that he originally envisioned.

While Ash Ketchum dying sounds like the best way and the only way for the Pokemon TV series to finally come to an end, it would be very upsetting for Satoshi Tajiri and young children if Ash Ketchum were to die in a similar manner to Sonic as seen in the Sonic 2006 reboot. However, there are people who felt that Ash had been a disgrace to the Shonen protagonist community, and would like to see him perish for the greater good. The truth is, such people do not know that Goku from Dragon Ball Z perishes in some of his defeats at the hands of his enemies, and needed over forty episodes to finally defeat (and kill) his enemies, with some of those victories being rematches.

Maybe we should forget about #JusticeForWaluigi and #JusticeForAshKetchum, because the Internet has already become very toxic, with demand for an official Waluigi game being at an all time high, and the negative backlash Pokemon Sword and Shield had been receiving as a result of the removal of the National Dex and the reduced number of Pokemon in the game. We should also understand that post-apocalyptic dystopian settings and low intelligence Shonen protagonists are incompatible with each other, because idiocy will have no chance of survival in such terrible conditions, especially places where the wild animals have special powers and will attack humans upon seeing them. As for Waluigi, it would be best for him to remain in the shadows, because he is more of an outsider than what the Mario fanbase thinks, as he was the only Mario character never created by anyone at Nintendo, and would have one of the most inappropriate taunts in Smash Bros history if he did qualify.

Update 1: Ash Ketchum finally won the Alola Pokemon League, ending a 22 year losing streak. The #JusticeForAshKetchum campaign did succeed after all. However, Ash Ketchum's namesake, Satoshi Tajiri, did not give a single congratulatory response to Ash Ketchum winning the Alola Pokemon League. This could possibly mean that the Pokemon creator has moved on to other interests, such as Little Town Hero, which could possibly be better than Pokemon Sword and Shield.

Update 2: The Ash Ketchum Arc has officially ended, and it ended with "Next Time, A New Beginning". It was not the depressing series finale that the late Takeshi Shudo proposed. But we do not know if he will ever appear in Liko's story arc.

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