Friday 30 August 2019

End of Unlicensed Distribution

In recent months since November 2018, several YouTube music channels had been terminated or had their music uploads blocked in all regions for violating copyright through unlicensed distribution, and some who have not been hit could already be at risk. To make matters worse, such copyright violations could lead to account termination. In other words, digital piracy being classified as a cyber crime is why we cannot have nice things. Perhaps we should have heeded the FBI's anti-piracy warning about the consequences of criminal copyright infringement, whether or not the offence had any intentions for monetary gain.

Should the rhetorical question "Is Nintendo Doomed?" resurface again, Nintendo will only have themselves to blame for making their customers upset, which was nothing new, given that Nintendo betraying Sony created their own worst enemy, and trying to appease casual gamers during the Wii's early years turned out to be a bad idea, since the majority of casual gamers are mostly fickle.

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