Tuesday 12 November 2019

Great Tribulation Emergency Plan

It would eventually pay off to be a doomsday prepper if we hear the Word of God, especially when the world is going out of control.

We could be very close to finding who the two beasts of Revelation 13 are and when they will come. The European Union's copyright directive that was approved earlier this year could be the first clue of what the dictatorship of the Beast regime will be like, where nobody can do business without receiving the Mark of the Beast. Talk about a dystopian society in the future... All we did was delay the inevitable... Our efforts will be for nothing, and we will lose everything we hold dearly, including our lives.

However, the best good news awaits us all at the end of the tunnel. Jesus will overthrow the Beast dictatorship and terminate the Evil One's reign of terror for 1000 years.

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