Tuesday 14 September 2021

Being Square for 20 Years

Today marks the 20th Anniversary of the Japanese launch of the Nintendo GameCube. Although the GameCube is not as fondly remembered as the NES, SNES, N64, Wii, Switch or the Nintendo handhelds due to low sales over its lifetime, this console gave us Luigi's Mansion, Super Smash Bros Melee, Pikmin, Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix and Mario Kart Double Dash.

The GameCube only did better than the Sega Dreamcast because the Dreamcast was discontinued months before the GameCube's launch date. Had Nintendo learnt to be humble, they would have shown more respect for the GameCube and its Game Boy Player, which brought most of the Game Boy family's game library to consoles. This prolonged the lifespan of the Game Boy family, which was eventually discontinued in 2010. The GameCube was also one of the first Nintendo consoles to feature games published by Sega, resulting in a reconciliation between the two competitors after Sega's exit from hardware production.

If being humble was Nintendo's thing, which obviously it was not, relations between Nintendo and its customers would not be so toxic. No wonder Nintendo had been the target of boycotts. They really need to learn humility as much as Japan needs to embrace common law.

Happy 20th Anniversary, Nintendo GameCube!

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