Friday 1 October 2021

DLC Finale Hype

In anime and manga, magical girls are portrayed as protectors of their hometown and perhaps their world. Back when I was a kid, I would even think that magical girls would go toe to toe with the likes of a cap-wearing Shonen adolescent. However, this is not possible, as said adolescent would not be allowed to even punch his enemies, and not to forget that non-video game characters are not allowed to participate in a dueling tournament designed to be a celebration of video game history. If that is not enough, some magical girls face monstrous villains that will make most of gaming's worst villains look weak in comparison. Thankfully, Rit from Rod Land is not one of these magical girls. However, if she is not the final Fighters Pass character, just trying her best to get that slot will be more than enough for her to prove herself a heroine to the magical girl community.

Unlike Microsoft, who allowed Banjo-Kazooie and Minecraft's Steve to participate in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Sony will never consider having any of their characters take part in a Nintendo dueling tournament. Despite porting several first-party PlayStation titles to Windows PCs in recent months, as well as an official mobile Lemmings game, Sony will never even think of having any of their characters fill the final Fighters Pass character slot. This is because of Nintendo's betrayal of Sony in 1991, which left Sony bitter towards Nintendo to this day.

Who knows if Polygon Man really dislikes Nintendo and Microsoft more than he dislikes PlayStation mascots...

Update: Sora from Kingdom Hearts just got the final Fighters Pass character slot, and he is not property of Sony Interactive Entertainment. This means Super Smash Bros Ultimate does not have any characters from Sony Interactive Entertainment at all. In other words, Polygon Man dislikes Nintendo and Microsoft a lot more than PlayStation mascots...

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