Friday 19 November 2021

15 Years of Waggle Power

Today marks the 15th Anniversary of Nintendo's Wii. The Wii introduced motion controls into video gaming and was the first Nintendo home console to achieve 100 million units sold, effectively bringing Nintendo back to prominence levels not seen since the N64 era. While the Wii's legacy of the Wii and its motion controls seem to be controversially divisive among the Nintendo fandom, we all have to agree to disagree over the Wii Waggle having easier controls than button-mashing due to the lower skill level required to master it.

Now you're playing with power. Waggle power. Happy 15th Anniversary, Wii.

Author's Note: Unfortunately, this comic may age poorly because the last possible date you can set on the Nintendo Wii's calendar is 31/12/2035. This means the Wii's clock will not work properly after 2035, meaning the Wii will not function properly by the time it turns 30.

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