Tuesday 19 April 2022

Wonder Weapon

On the 13th of April, 2022, Ukraine's Neptune missiles have finally scored its first kill by sinking the Russian Navy's Slava-class cruiser Moscow. For the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the Allies, this victory is only the beginning of the turn of the tide. Unfortunately for Ukraine and the Free World, wonder weapons do not matter anymore as time is not on their side because when Germany weaponizes deceitfulness, that's when bad things such as Germany's unforgivable betrayal of Ukraine become a huge nightmare. Yet, the German people are unable to stand up to their country's business leaders and denounce their unethical business practices. This will ultimately lead to the rise of a tyrant worse than the one who masterminded World War 2, and said tyrant can only be terminated along with the warmongering rogue dictators by Jesus Christ himself when he returns. In other words, the only wonder weapon the Allies have is Jesus Christ himself.

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