Tuesday 3 January 2023

Pokemon Plot Twists

If we want to know why Ash Ketchum never ages, there are two reasons for that. The first reason is that Ash Ketchum is actually a Ditto who lost all memory of being a Ditto, and there have been many clues that reveal his true nature, from punching a Mewtwo when no normal human other than anybody who is in the Super Smash Bros games would do that, to disliking Ditto when he first met Ditto specialist Duplica, to Lily commanding him to transform into a Pikachu. Let's not forget that animal rights activist N, in an act of adaptational heroism, joined forces with Ash to bring Team Plasma to their knees. And to top it all up, Ash lets his Pokemon go at the end of each generation because they are his fellow Pokemon. Being a Pokemon, Ash was not meant to be a Pokemon Trainer, which is why he makes a lot of bad decisions, resulting in him losing every Pokemon League from Gen 1 to Gen 6. Ash being bullied by others is due to him being the one that is not like the others because he is a Ditto who is unable to transform back into a Ditto. Alternatively, the second reason is that Pokemon was all just a dream from a dying, mentally ill Ash, who was actually a Zainichi Korean living in a mundane world, and as you know, many Zainichi Koreans have often been bullied and persecuted until some of the became mentally ill. Who knows, both plot twists could actually be true, and if that happens when Ash Ketchum's final chapter comes to a close, we might as well shun Nintendo as payback for every single time they have wronged their customers. If you want to punish Nintendo for all the wrongs they did, please support any movement championing justice for Comfort Women and Zainichi Koreans. Time is running out for justice. There are not many Comfort Women left alive, and their numbers are dwindling...

Update: The Ash Ketchum Arc has officially ended, and it ended with "Next Time, A New Beginning". It was not the depressing series finale that the late Takeshi Shudo proposed, nor the "Ash was a Ditto all along" plot twist. However, Liko is taking up the mantle to uncover the secrets of her pendant, which might contain possible connections to the previous continuity. Who knows what secrets Liko will unravel about her pendant in Pokemon Horizons...

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