Monday 24 July 2023

T becomes X

It's official. Elon Musk has retired the Twitter bluebird for a letter X. However, we should not forget the other Twitter symbol, a letter T, being phased out as well. In response, some users have deleted their accounts, with one of them being YouTuber Crispy Toast. Meanwhile, Mastodon and Gab users are monitoring the situation very closely, observing how the situation in Twitter will turn out.

Then again, it was the European Union who wanted to humiliate Elon Musk by coercing him to make bad decisions that will anger the people so that they will turn on him while the European Union's corrupt bureaucrats go unpunished. This means sooner or later, Mastodon and Gab will be the corrupt bureaucrats' next target, and that is another bad omen concerning the rise of the Beast Regime.

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