Monday 23 October 2023

Google Priorities 2

I miss the days when Google was just your friendly neighbourhood search engine. Back in the mid-2000s, Google wasn't obsessed with promoting leftist agendas, unlike now. Back then, customer satisfaction was one of Google's top priorities. But now, the leftists are running Silicon Valley, and they do not prioritize customer satisfaction. It's very depressing to see the search engine we grew up with turn on the very same customers that made them what they are Today. Not even convincing them to go back to being the friendly neighbourhood search engine that had customer satisfaction as their top priority will succeed...

Sunday 22 October 2023

Google Priorities

There used to be a time when Google was your friendly neighbourhood search engine. But all that changed when the leftists took over Silicon Valley and discarded Google's "Don't be evil" motto. Now we need to more than ever before, convince Google to cease their crackdown on their customers and put customer satisfaction as their top priority, and the first thing they need to do is to purge their leftist employees and managers first. Unfortunately, Google will not listen to their customers because their top management is already being run by leftists. Therefore, a massive purge of leftists will not be possible, unless a catastrophic World War happens. But we wouldn't want that option because it would result in tohu and bohu levels of extinction...

Saturday 21 October 2023

MSX 40th Anniversary

Author's Note: The MSX going for another 40 years would be too unrealistic. Instead, the more realistic goal would be the 50th Anniversary of the MSX computer.

Today marks 40 years to the day the MSX computer launched in Japan. The MSX was the computer that laid the foundations for the transformation of Sony into the grandmaster of the video game industry we know today. Simply put it, before MSX, Sony had the SMC series of computers, which were all but unsuccessful. Once Sony started manufacturing MSX computers, Sony ended up having the lion's share of MSX computer sales when production ended. This resulted in the MSX being associated with Sony, which in turn, propelled Sony to enter the video game industry with their PlayStation, and the rest is history.

Friday 20 October 2023

Snubbing Nintendo's Injustices

Forget about the Super Mario Bros Wonder ROM files leak potentially triggering anti-piracy lawsuits or selected YouTube videos posted by Nintendo going private. Nintendo's disdain towards Ash Ketchum because of his possible Zainichi Korean ancestry is the biggest reason we should cease buying Nintendo's products in protest against them treating their customers like dirt.

Nintendo's grievances against their loyal customers extends to more than just going ballistic over intellectual property piracy. What if it turns out that Ash Ketchum was actually from a minority group that is often vilified by Japanese society, but was the legacy of Japanese imperialism? If you say Ash was a Zainichi Korean, you could possibly be correct. Zainichi Koreans were often called dirty, smelly and stupid, and are often subjected to getting bullied and humiliated in many ways possible, but almost nobody stands up for them because they have been sympathizing with leftists, including communist regimes that want to take over the world. This results in many Zainichi Koreans become mentally ill, and nobody treats this as a serious issue.

All in all, we should save our savings by not buying Super Mario Bros Wonder or the next Nintendo console that comes after the Nintendo Switch.

Wednesday 18 October 2023

Bikini Swimies

Given that bikini bottoms are basically panties designed for swimming, it would make sense for bikini bottoms to be called swimies.

As for the wet panties waterfall meme, it would not be triggered by talking about two-piece swimwear bottoms looking like panties that are designed for swimming.

Sunday 15 October 2023

Madou Monogatari Reunion

It finally happened. The original Madou Monogatari series that Sega's Puyo Puyo originated from has gotten a new entry 25 years after the launch of the Sega Saturn Madou Monogatari, which happens to be published by Sega. All of this would not have been possible if not for Compile Heart, D4 Enterprises and Sega agreeing to come together to revive Madou Monogatari.

All we have to say about this is "Welcome Back, Arle."

Thursday 12 October 2023

When Arrogant Jerks Denounced Leftism...

Throughout history, there were instances when the nobility and the aristocracy were arrogant jerks. Even when the nobility and the aristocracy no longer exist but their modern descendants are also arrogant jerks, there is no legitimate reason for class struggle against them because class struggle was always part of a bigger communist plot to overthrow the morals that guide humanity on the right path for thousands of years.

Back when Pokemon Red and Blue first came out on the Game Boy, you could humiliate leftists and get away with it. Unfortunately for the humiliators, their descendants have embraced the leftist ideology that their parents opposed. In fact, any attempt to humiliate leftists now can get you locked up in prison. Even worse still is that any attempt to humiliate leftists were being greeted with angry responses from the leftists, including death threats being sent against the humiliators as far back as 2015. Not even an arrogant jerk like Donald Trump could rein in the leftists, which was why he lost his presidency in 2020. However, those who are for him are very determined to bring about his return so that humiliating the leftists will not result in a prison sentence.

Then again, Pokemon's country of origin, Japan, was already witnessing a sharp decline in leftism at the time of Pokemon Red and Blue's release in 1996. Maybe that's why Game Freak did not give Gary "Shigeru" Oak any severe punishment for all the wrongs he did to Ash "Satoshi" Ketchum by the time Ash's Journey ended. Aside from giving Gary Oak a brutal comeuppance possibly being a Colossal Titan-sized insult to Shigeru Miyamoto, punishing anybody who humiliates leftists for representing an atheistic movement that thinks there is nothing wrong with having a mentally ill, intellectually disabled person as the leader of any country has no justification. Mentally ill, intellectually disabled people should not even have positions of power, or even become video game, manga or anime protagonists. Unfortunately, the leftists love to have mentally ill illiterates as protagonists because such people would make good puppets for the leftists, especially when mentally ill illiterates becoming presidents or prime ministers are easier for the leftists to manipulate.

Perhaps we should start admitting that socialism was not a noble cause from the beginning because God does not like atheistic ideologies.

Monday 9 October 2023

Maniacs VS Skimpy Swimwear

The summer of 2023 will be remembered as a bummer vacation, especially in Europe. Public swimming pools have become a hot topic in Germany, in which some have shut down while others seek police protection because of attacks by maniacs from Middle Eastern countries, particularly on girls in revealing swimsuits similar to the skimpy attire worn by Arabian Moon from Irem's Superior Soldiers. If these ultraconservative maniacs continue with their attacks at this rate of ferocity, expect a rivalry from Daniel 11 to reach its bloody conclusion. With all that said, we are really living in the last days of this dark age of man's rule over man...

Saturday 7 October 2023

Anniversary Day Confusion

Author's Note: Today marks the 90th Anniversary of Air France commencing operations. Although Air France was established on the 30th of August, 1933, the airline only began operations on 7th of October, 1933. Since then, Air France has gone through a long history, including supersonic air travel and being one of the co-founders of SkyTeam.

Given that I went to Paris, France, I noticed that France's national airline is celebrating 90 years of elegance. So I decided to dedicate this comic to the 90th Anniversary of Air France.

Happy 90th Anniversary, Air France! Here's to reaching that prestigious 100th Anniversary in 2033!

Friday 6 October 2023

When Court Martial is better than Obliteration...

Author's Note: Today marks 50 years to the day the infamous Yom Kippur War began. While Israel received the nastiest surprise attack in the history of their armed forces, the Arab armies that attacked Israel will receive one of the most humiliating defeats in the history of their armed forces.

Yom Kippur is one of the holiest of the Israeli holy days, and to launch a surprise attack on that day sounds like a genius plan on paper, until you realized that a surprise attack on an enemy's holy day was a sacrilegious war crime that would end up awakening a huge hand. For the Syrian general who met that huge hand, he and his troops had no choice but to turn back to Syria and face possible court martial, or get obliterated if he didn't turn back. Basically, the Syrian general and the troops that he led were basically facing Master Hand 26 years before Super Smash Bros came out on the N64, and was humiliated because he chose to die by being court-martialled and getting sentenced to death for failing to conquer Jerusalem and burning it down instead of choosing to get obliterated. Basically, nobody wants to get obliterated, no matter how vile you are.

If we had to make difficult choices, getting court-martialled and receiving a death sentence as a result beats getting obliterated by Master Hand any day.

Wednesday 4 October 2023

Nothing Great About Wet Lingerie

Author's Note: This comic's template comes from the Anime series We Never Learn.

Lingerie was not meant for getting wet because they get soaking wet faster than two-piece female swimwear. This means that forehead coin to funnel sounds like a great way to make a panties wet, but then the one wearing the panties that got wet will have to change her panties. Perhaps that's why bikinis were conceived. They were designed for getting wet unlike lingerie.

We Never Learn © Shueisha.

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