Friday 6 October 2023

When Court Martial is better than Obliteration...

Author's Note: Today marks 50 years to the day the infamous Yom Kippur War began. While Israel received the nastiest surprise attack in the history of their armed forces, the Arab armies that attacked Israel will receive one of the most humiliating defeats in the history of their armed forces.

Yom Kippur is one of the holiest of the Israeli holy days, and to launch a surprise attack on that day sounds like a genius plan on paper, until you realized that a surprise attack on an enemy's holy day was a sacrilegious war crime that would end up awakening a huge hand. For the Syrian general who met that huge hand, he and his troops had no choice but to turn back to Syria and face possible court martial, or get obliterated if he didn't turn back. Basically, the Syrian general and the troops that he led were basically facing Master Hand 26 years before Super Smash Bros came out on the N64, and was humiliated because he chose to die by being court-martialled and getting sentenced to death for failing to conquer Jerusalem and burning it down instead of choosing to get obliterated. Basically, nobody wants to get obliterated, no matter how vile you are.

If we had to make difficult choices, getting court-martialled and receiving a death sentence as a result beats getting obliterated by Master Hand any day.

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