Thursday 30 November 2023

The Last Day Before The Purge

Author's Note: Some regions are not even past midnight yet at the time this comic was uploaded. Therefore, the regions that are already past midnight have less than 24 hours left before 1 December 2023. Also, the "Dawn Of The Final Day" image comes from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.

This is it. The purge that everybody dreaded is near. However, dormant YouTube channels are exempted and therefore, will not be purged. Meanwhile, Gab users who are calling for internet users to de-Google their digital footprint would probably be laughing at the possibility that Google is running out of space and needs to declutter their servers. How this turns out, we do not know...

Update: The purge did happen, and there were cases of Blogspot blogs disappearing as a result. Looks like internet users are going to end up like Smeagol from Lord of the Rings, speaking about how Google betrayed internet users. In other words, not only did Blogspot have its "MySpace" moment, this incident will prove that Google has turned its back on the internet users.

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