Tuesday, 9 January 2024

Medieval War Crimes 2

If there was anybody who should be found guilty for giving England the orders to burn Joan of Arc alive, it's the Great False Church that accused the Cathars and the Knights Templar for heresy. After all, England did not want to execute Joan of Arc when they took her prisoner. But when she was eventually found guilty of heresy, England had no choice but to burn her at the stake. This resulted in Anglo-French relations being so bad, they only put their differences aside when they had to crush the Boxer Rebellion in China in 1900, and later on, go on a warpath against Germany in two World Wars, and then find themselves pitted against Russia and its client states during the Cold War. But still, France has not forgiven England for the death of Joan of Arc, even up until this modern era. Perhaps they will forgive each other when Christ eliminates the Great False Church that instructed England to burn Joan of Arc to death in the first place.

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