Monday, 10 June 2024

Justice for Magical Girls

Puella Magi Madoka Magica has done a huge disservice to Magical Girl Anime as a whole. The real culprit behind it, however, is Kyubey. He's the one who needs to be punished for all the wrongs he did to Magical Girl Anime by being given the death sentence. Blondette says that Kyubey should be run over with a motorized vehicle, with her choice being an Alfa Romeo. Brunetta and Sabriel would like to slash Kyubey with a battleaxe. Turquoise, Amethyst and Magenta would prefer to hurl a Molotov Cocktail in Kyubey's face. But I would prefer to have Kyubey mutilated with a battleaxe before running him over with an Alfa Romeo and burning his crushed corpse by hurling a Molotov Cocktail at him. How's that for brutality in the name of justice?

Another reason magical girls need justice is because of the lack of magical girls in the Super Smash Bros series. Other than the Lip, Ashley and Veronica Outfits for Mii Swordfighters, Magical Girls do not have any representation in the Super Smash Bros series at all. Perhaps this will all change in Super Smash Bros 6. However, Puella Magi Madoka Magica may have made Nintendo think twice. Perhaps the horrors found in Puella Magi Madoka Magica were one of the reasons Masahiro Sakurai prohibited non-video game characters from taking part in the Super Smash Bros series. He knows better than to include anything that is too horrific for Nintendo's customers.

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