Friday, 22 November 2024

Games that could have saved the Sega Saturn

The Sega Saturn is best known for being a commercial failure. However, its sales figures in Japan tells a far different story from the Western markets.

But what if there were games that could have saved the Sega Saturn? If such games existed, what could those games be, and what would they look like?

Knuckles Chaotix: The only Sonic game the 32X would ever have throughout its entire lifespan. It could have done better if it was on the Sega Saturn. It was also the Sonic game that saw the return of Mighty the Armadillo, who last appeared in SegaSonic the Hedgehog, a Japan-only arcade title. This game would have ended up a Sega Saturn title if the dismal 32X did not exist...

A Segata Sanshiro martial arts game: Segata Sanshiro. The patron saint of the Sega Saturn, and someone who would have probably been considered a worthy opponent to F-Zero's Captain Falcon. He was conceived as the advertising mascot for the Sega Saturn, and this helped the Sega Saturn overtake the Nintendo 64 in the Japanese market. The Sega Saturn would probably have done far better if Segata Sanshiro had his very own martial arts game similar to Chuck Norris Superkicks.

Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000: This 32X-exclusive title received mixed reviews, mostly negative after its initial release. It has never seen a re-release to this very day. Maybe Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 would have done far better if the 32X did not exist and the game was released on the Sega Saturn instead...

With all that said, if the Sega Saturn had these three games, the Sega Saturn's story would probably have taken a far different course. On a side note, Happy 30th Anniversary, Sega Saturn!

Sega games and characters © Sega.

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