Friday, 26 October 2018

Too many colours!!

This is why there are only four colours in Soldam and its sequel Soldam: Drop, Connect, Erase. Having eight or twelve colours would make things too complicated for a puzzle game that blends Tetris with Othello.

In 2017, Soldam: Drop, Connect, Erase was released on the Nintendo Switch to mark the 25th anniversary of the original Soldam that was released in 1992 in arcades and on the Game Boy.

Soldam is like Tetris, except the horizontal lines that have to be formed and cleared have to be of one single colour, and the O-Block is the only block in play, but it comes in different colours, especially when it comes in a combination of two, three or even four different colours. The instruction manual for Soldam: Drop, Connect, Erase calls the Othello method of changing colours sandwiched between two same-coloured pieces that are directly connected to each other vertically, horizontally or diagonally flanking.

Because Soldam was never launched in international markets, Soldam: Drop, Connect, Erase would be considered the first game in the series that is no longer exclusive to Japan. Credits to Dispatch Games for having this game available in international markets.

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Compile's Lost Puyo Puyo Yonkomas

The Wayback Machine has to be the best way for net users to explore the past, especially when searching for websites thought to have been lost due to them going offline, or searching for older versions of certain websites.

The Wayback Machine also proved useful for searching for webcomic websites that disappeared from Google Search due to the websites going offline for any reason. In this case, these Puyo Puyo yonkomas from the website of the now-defunct Compile were found using the Wayback Machine. So give the Wayback Machine a try, even if it is not perfect, especially when Web 1.0 websites may contain missing images.

Saturday, 6 October 2018

Point of view

You cannot call the Daisenryaku series in general Advance Wars for snails or Advance Wars on steroids. It all depends on the game in the series or the gameplay style of the human or CPU player. Of course strategy planning is very important, even if it has to come at the expense of speed.

Then again, despite Daisenryaku 7 being described as a super fast-paced Advance Wars, in contrast to some of the early Daisenryaku games, which were described as slow-paced, it seems like nearly every scenario in the game will take hours to come to its climatic finale. And as seen in some Daisenryaku titles, some of those scenarios will end inconclusively when a certain amount of turns have ended. No wonder the vast majority of the Daisenryaku series games were Japan-only.

Friday, 5 October 2018

Swimwear Ranking FAQs

Swimwear rankings may or may not be dependent on the design factors as listed in this comic.

Many aspects of popular culture have a ranking system, and female swimwear that are featured in various media platforms of pop culture are also eligible to have its own ranking system. But if female swimwear that appeared in pop culture had a ranking system, then different versions of the bikini emoji will be competing over getting a higher rank in that ranking system.

Update: In 2019, the one-piece swimsuit emoji was introduced, meaning there is more competition over getting a higher rank in the female swimwear ranking system.

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Submit your entry comics

Author's Note: To anyone who is reading this, I have created a few comics which will require some creativity, so if you have any idea how to answer the questions given by these comics, please come up with anything creative in regards to the situations shown in the comics above and submit your entries to so that there can be an answer to the questions given by these comics.

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Mammoth Tanks

Neither the Command and Conquer production team nor the Gunbound production team knew about each other's ideas in regards to the vehicle naming and design.

While the mobile revival of the Worms-like tank warfare PC online game Gunbound has been met with positive reception, the Command and Conquer series has yet to receive a proper entry on any platform. In other words, the Gunbound producers did listen to their fanbase and outsourced production to another studio to create Gunbound M, unlike Electronic Arts, who still continues to make their fanbase unhappy and upset.

Command and Conquer © Electronic Arts. Gunbound © Softnyx.

Update: Command and Conquer Remastered Collection came out in 2020, and it appears that Electronic Arts may have seen the error of their ways because the game received positive reviews. Perhaps they are finally submitting to the demands of their fanbase...

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