Tuesday 2 October 2018

Mammoth Tanks

Neither the Command and Conquer production team nor the Gunbound production team knew about each other's ideas in regards to the vehicle naming and design.

While the mobile revival of the Worms-like tank warfare PC online game Gunbound has been met with positive reception, the Command and Conquer series has yet to receive a proper entry on any platform. In other words, the Gunbound producers did listen to their fanbase and outsourced production to another studio to create Gunbound M, unlike Electronic Arts, who still continues to make their fanbase unhappy and upset.

Command and Conquer © Electronic Arts. Gunbound © Softnyx.

Update: Command and Conquer Remastered Collection came out in 2020, and it appears that Electronic Arts may have seen the error of their ways because the game received positive reviews. Perhaps they are finally submitting to the demands of their fanbase...

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