Saturday 6 October 2018

Point of view

You cannot call the Daisenryaku series in general Advance Wars for snails or Advance Wars on steroids. It all depends on the game in the series or the gameplay style of the human or CPU player. Of course strategy planning is very important, even if it has to come at the expense of speed.

Then again, despite Daisenryaku 7 being described as a super fast-paced Advance Wars, in contrast to some of the early Daisenryaku games, which were described as slow-paced, it seems like nearly every scenario in the game will take hours to come to its climatic finale. And as seen in some Daisenryaku titles, some of those scenarios will end inconclusively when a certain amount of turns have ended. No wonder the vast majority of the Daisenryaku series games were Japan-only.

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