Friday 29 March 2019

Dark Times Ahead

The ancient prophecies of the Old Testament and the New Testament did not lie to us. Between corrupt bureaucrats enforcing draconian copyright rules that will ruin the internet that we grew up with since the 1990s and potentially stifle creativity, rogue dictators and terror groups threatening to destroy democracy, and the terrifying reality that the United States of America will end up suffering the same fate as the ancient Israelite Empire, the age of freedom is dying. We are heading for dark times, just as Matthew 24 predicted.

Speaking of corrupt bureaucrats, there is a fair amount of sources that can justify the claims that the European Union, which is being ruled by corrupt bureaucrats, is the kingdom represented by the iron and clay feet. To make matters worse, if the good people of Europe lose their digital copyright battle against their corrupted bureaucracy, then tech giants such as Alphabet (Owners of Google and YouTube), Facebook and Amazon, as well as smaller internet enterprises such as Vimeo, and the majority of good people of Europe will pay the price should the controversial copyright reforms get fully implemented.

Even French novelist Jules Verne had a terrifying vision of what France will look like in the future. If you read Paris in the Twentieth Century, you will get an idea of a grim, dystopian view of the future that is without creativity. In fact, most of the positive objects featured in the novel as well as negative ones were actually predicted, and most of these predictions of 1960 and the years after that were remarkably accurate. However, the bleak future that was portrayed in the novel will only happen if the European Union's draconian and controversial copyright reforms gets fully implemented.

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