Thursday 28 March 2019

Revealed Truth

Perhaps the United Kingdom leaving the European Union was not a bad idea after all...

Who would have thought that a Red Alert 3 expansion pack that came out in 2009 portrayed the European Union in a negative light? Especially when the European Union is now trying to force member states, big tech giants and smaller internet enterprises to install upload filters that are far from perfect just to combat copyright infringement. YouTube has already taken more than enough action against copyright infringement, and the new (but imperfect) upload filters will be too expensive for them to install.

But what if the claims by some modern interpreters of Bible prophecy were correct to say that the European Union is the kingdom of iron and clay feet from the Daniel 2 statue dream? According to Daniel 2:43, the iron and clay mixture will mingle with the seed of man, but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay. Given the recent protests against the European Union's copyright and censorship law reforms, the good people of Europe, especially those who want the UK to leave the EU, have been fighting against a corrupt bureaucracy whose headquarters is in Brussels, which in a way, proved that the Bible scriptures are correct.

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