Saturday 30 November 2019

Running Out Of Time

Between hacking incidents, the European Union Copyright Directive, and compliance with the Federal Trade Commission's Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, the YouTube that we all grew up with is in real danger. Sooner or later, we will no longer have cat videos, hedgehog videos, anime music videos or even gaming related videos. In other words, we are living in the darkest of times...

Friday 22 November 2019

If The 32X Did Not Exist...

In my honest opinion, the 32X was a commercial failure that should never have existed. Sadly, there is no place for what ifs. But if the 32X did not exist, all of its titles, including Knuckles Chaotix, would have ended up as Sega Saturn titles, which would greatly improve the Sega Saturn's reputation and sales numbers.

On a side note, Happy 25th Anniversary, Sega Saturn.

Thursday 21 November 2019

How To End A Great Series

There was an old saying "All good things come to an end". Sometimes, we need to end a great video game series before the fanbase turns toxic, like in the cases of Sonic, Warcraft and Pokemon.

To be fair and honest, thwarting the Burning Legion was futile, since the Void Lords always win. Due to the campaign to boycott Blizzard over somebody's suspension because he speaks for freedom and justice, the only merciful thing to do for the Warcraft series right now is for the Void Lords to devour Azeroth and bring World of Warcraft to an end so everybody can get back to their lives.

The Pokemon Sword and Shield controversy over omitted Pokemon is a possible sign that the Pokemon fanbase has also turned toxic. However, there is a way to rectify everything. There had been theories over a war that took place before Generation 1, as well as theories about Silph Co being the true villain of Pokemon and not the criminal gangs that seek to cause trouble. From my point of view, the reason the gangs of organised crime seek to cause trouble, even pursue world domination, is because their villainy was motivated by the fact they wish to overthrow Silph Co. But they have always failed because a low intelligence hero foiled their plans. Perhaps if Ash could gather his friends and foes to fight against Silph Co in a final battle similar to Avengers: Endgame, the Pokemon fanbase would finally get the ending for the Pokemon anime that they wished for, even if Ash perishes at the end, because it will have to end with Silph Co vanquished at the end.

All the clues about the Toads' true identity could finally add up. While the mystery of the Toads may remain unsolved, not everyone is deterred by that. The existence of parasitic toadstools that destroys its hosts will be one of the biggest game changers. If the Toads turn out to be an anthropomorphic species of parasitic toadstool, this could justify Bowser's villainy in the Super Mario series. Given that Bowser has a heroic side that has him confront villains nastier than him, he could have been fighting a losing battle against a sinister parasite since 1985, and that could have been our fault. The only reason the parasite has not truly won yet was that it had been stymied by the Toads' incompetence. Should the parasite finally infect everybody, nobody will survive its destructive power, not even Waluigi.

Should General Morden finally win after years of defeats, he will not restart the Holocaust, but instead he will pull a Nick Fury and expose the Regular Army's leaders for the corrupt crooks that they had been since the Central Park terror attacks that killed his son. But like most SNK villains, he was doomed to perish. Yet he will tell the Metal Slug heroes that he wanted to get rid of the corrupt officials who caused his son's death. This could be the plot twist that will bring the Metal Slug series to an end because the corrupt bureaucrats who General Morden sought to bring to justice had been getting away unpunished for years, and our heroes finally turn against them upon learning who the true villain of the Metal Slug series had been all along.

Update: The Ash Ketchum Arc has officially ended, and it ended with "Next Time, A New Beginning". However, it left me disappointed over a few things. If Silph Co was a greater evil than the criminal gangs, why hasn't there been a hero who will rise to overthrow Silph Co? I guess justice is a theme Pokemon will not cover...

Monday 18 November 2019

Internet Pioneers' World War 3 Emergency Plan

Given the rampant amount of cyber-crime, where even the co-founders of Twitter and YouTube are not spared from hacking, the Heartbleed, Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities, data breaches, and censorship of the web in some places, Sir Tim Berners-Lee was right to say that the World Wide Web is no longer a "force for good" and that it had failed instead of served humanity, and failed in many places.

Thankfully, Sir Tim Berners-Lee is calling for new regulations for the World Wide Web in regards to cracking down on cyber-crime. But if all else fails, he still has access to the off switch to turn off the World Wide Web, if cyber warfare ever gets involved in World War 3...

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Great Tribulation Emergency Plan

It would eventually pay off to be a doomsday prepper if we hear the Word of God, especially when the world is going out of control.

We could be very close to finding who the two beasts of Revelation 13 are and when they will come. The European Union's copyright directive that was approved earlier this year could be the first clue of what the dictatorship of the Beast regime will be like, where nobody can do business without receiving the Mark of the Beast. Talk about a dystopian society in the future... All we did was delay the inevitable... Our efforts will be for nothing, and we will lose everything we hold dearly, including our lives.

However, the best good news awaits us all at the end of the tunnel. Jesus will overthrow the Beast dictatorship and terminate the Evil One's reign of terror for 1000 years.

Monday 11 November 2019

Veteran's Day

It's sad that World War 1 was supposed to be the war to end all wars. But there had been multiple smaller wars in the years between the end of World War 1 and the start of World War 2. To make things worse, the armistice that ended World War 1 became null and void when World War 2 broke out. Therefore, the United States had the right to rename Armistice Day to Veteran's Day to remember the armed forces servicemen who perished during the two World Wars, and other conflicts after World War 2. Perhaps Great Britain and Commonwealth countries should rename Armistice Day to Veteran's Day, because almost all of World War One's generation have passed away, with the World War 2 generation also passing away.

Happy Veteran's Day to all armed forces veterans of the Free World.

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