Tuesday 17 December 2019

How recycling could bring profits

While recycling will be beneficial to both the environment and the economy, it could also help to cut down software piracy and reduce the demand for conflict minerals. Given the large amount of pirated video game cartridges, as well as a huge number of pirated CDs and DVDs, with some of them being made out of conflict minerals, recycling can actually help to force those involved in funding crimes to file for bankruptcy. While recycling is definitely not illegal, it can actually help those who have to comply with new laws that forbid the sale or ownership of pirated goods to dump such illegal items.

Speaking of recycling, any slot machine that got confiscated from illegal casinos should not be burnt up, because the smoke from burning the slot machines will contribute to the already excessive levels of carbon dioxide, which is causing climate change. Efforts had been made by the authorities to decimate the confiscated gambling machines and convert them into raw materials for future manufacturing processes. However, the number of illegal gambling machines and pirated discs seized remains very high that the destruction process is often slow.

Recycling also helps to reduce e-waste, given that a lot of e-waste ended up in the landfills of underdeveloped countries, resulting in harmful chemicals poisoning groundwater, by converting them into raw materials for future manufacturing processes. Also, recycling decimates the demand for conflict minerals, which had been notorious for funding war crimes in various war zones that have seen millions slaughtered. In other words, recycling could be weaponized to fight against software piracy, illegal gambling and the funding of war crimes from sales of conflict minerals.

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