Tuesday 10 December 2019

Potential Calamities of the 2020s

The 2010s was not a good decade, and 2019 was not a good year, so do not expect the 2020s to start positively, and there are good reasons for that.

New regulations for the World Wide Web will be enforced, and lots of content that do not comply with the new regulations will be removed. Given that most of the content that will potentially be deleted by new regulations were deemed too inappropriate, many netizens will be forced to remove them or face account deactivation.

Tyrannical dictators of rogue states have often blamed democratic leaders for their part in the revival of a brutal imperialistic power that will be the biggest threat to world peace, as well as democracy and said rogue states' dictators' world domination ambitions. But Bible prophecy states that one of these rogue states will end up being an end-time "King of the South" that will be so pushy that he will provoke the "King of the North" and get destroyed. In fact, this war will be very bad because nuclear weapons will be fired in anger by just about anybody who owns a nuke.

Earth's temperature had been rising over the past few decades, and we had been taking note of it as a result of many islands being submerged into the ocean. Yet our best efforts to reverse climate change will prove to be futile because climate change could be irreversible.

Economy analysts have been trying to warn us that the next downturn will be worse than the last one, which had never truly ended. Even worse still will be the possibility that a huge financial downturn will trigger the next world war, which will definitely have nuclear weapons fired in anger.

This comic is just a stern warning about what 2020 and beyond will bring. But we should not worry too much because eventually, Jesus will come again to liberate us and save us all from our madness.

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