Wednesday 15 January 2020

Rejected Tetris Plus Endings

Author's Note: This was originally going to be the very first comic uploaded to Neo Retro Union, back when it was originally going to be called Gamers' Generation. But the name "Gamers' Generation" was already taken, so I chose Neo Retro Union instead.

The arcade version of Tetris Plus has ten different endings for the Puzzle Mode, eight of which are featured in the Standard version of Puzzle Mode. Of course, there may have been proposed versions of the endings that did not make the cut for the final product.

Here are three potential endings that I came up with that did not make the cut for the official version of the game.

Rejected Ending #1: In one of the Standard Puzzle Mode endings, the professor's assistant found an ancient bikini among the heap of treasures. For an awkward ending, this would have been a better ending than the ending where the professor and his assistant found out that the treasures are fake. Also found in the treasure heap is a magic wand from Rod Land, which, like Tetris Plus, is a Jaleco title that began in the arcade.

Rejected Ending #2: Endings 5 to 8 revolve around the professor and his assistant finding a switch. In this rejected ending, the professor and his assistant become invisible and cannot see each other. This would have made more sense than the ending where the pyramid turns into a robot.

Rejected Ending #3: Basically the Expert Puzzle Mode ending, but with the professor's assistant wearing the bikini from Rejected Ending #1. The final product version of the Expert Puzzle Mode ending arcade version of Tetris Plus had the professor's assistant wear a red swimsuit without shoulder straps, which would make more sense than a bikini found among a heap of treasures from an ancient pyramid.

It's disappointing that there is no video footage of the Expert Puzzle Mode of the arcade version of Tetris Plus or the Extra World Levels of Tetris Plus 2's Puzzle Mode. And don't even bother wishing for Tetris Plus 3 because Jaleco closed down when Game Yarou went bankrupt, unless City Connection decides to revive the Tetris Plus series, which is unlikely to happen.

On a related note, please enjoy the professor's assistant wearing a gold linen bikini that she found among a heap of ancient treasures.

Update: Sometime around May 2021, somebody actually uploaded video footage of the Expert Puzzle Mode of the arcade version of Tetris Plus, and the ending was featured as well.

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