Saturday 11 January 2020

Welcome to a more barren Web

Author's note: This is Neo Retro Union's first comic of 2020 and the first in a brand new decade.

2020 was off to a less than positive start. From the possibility of World War 3 starting, to certain YouTube videos and channels having several features disabled due to privacy protection policies, and most recently, CollegeHumor's and Dorkly's websites no longer being accessible, it's safe to say that 2020 will mark the beginning of the end of positivity.

Speaking of CollegeHumor and Dorkly, their websites now redirect to their respective YouTube channels, which still have retained their old videos, which were actually great when they were first uploaded. Do you still remember the Minesweeper movie trailer? How about Street Fighter: The Later Years? Dorkly Bits? Power-Up Mix-Up? Pokemon Rusty? Pokemon Ralphie? No? Because I do. The only thing I will miss about them would be their articles that seek to expose the truth about our childhoods, even if it means ruining them, and the webcomics by various webcomic artists. If you like to read webcomics, please read my webcomic. It might be one of the safe havens still holding strong amid a world wide web slowly getting censored.

It's a shame to see CollegeHumor's website disappear given that CollegeHumor was established barely a month after Neopets was launched. What a time to be alive...

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