Sunday 23 February 2020

Gravestone Mystery

While death is not a subject covered in the Animal Crossing series, a gravestone sighting in the Animal Crossing: New Horizons Direct had people wondering if a character in the series actually passed away.

The obvious go-to candidate has to be Tortimer. He's old and retired, meaning he might not have long to live since his last appearance. Another likely candidate is Frillard, who was last seen in City Folk, and in New Leaf, Dr Shrunk mentions how much he misses him. Turnip seller Joan appears to have been replaced by Daisy Mae, hinting at the possibility of Joan being deceased, given that she had been selling turnips for over 60 years, according to one of her dialogues in New Leaf. Yet some believe that the gravestone is a hint about K. K. Slider's fate, if K. K. Slider being missing from all the Animal Crossing: New Horizons trailers was any indication. However, the gravestone is a possibility that the Deserted Island is the home of Animal Crossing's resident ghost, Wisp, who had made appearances in several Animal Crossing games beginning with the GameCube version.

Looks like we will have to wait until the game launches on the Spring Equinox to find out...

Update 1: Animal Crossing: New Horizons did launch on the Spring Equinox, and it turns out that K. K. Slider is still alive. It's also confirmed that Daisy Mae is Joan's grand-daughter, although it is unknown what happened to Joan. As for the gravestone, it turns out to be a decorative item that can be crafted.

Update 2: The Version 2.0 Update for Animal Crossing: New Horizons has confirmed that Tortimer is alive and well and enjoying his retirement.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons © Nintendo.

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