Saturday 15 February 2020

Remembering 1942

15th of February, 1942. A day which will live in infamy on the same level as the day World War 2 started.

Winston Churchill called the Fall of (Colonial) Singapore the worst military defeat in British history, proving that Japan could actually succeed where Germany failed.

As upsetting as Snoopy losing to the Red Baron in the World War 1 saga of the Peanuts comic strip without any genuine success in defeating him sounds, Snoopy should be fortunate that his recurring nemesis came from Germany, because Britain's worst military defeat was to Japan, whose armed forces in 1942 were often seen as second-rate compared to British and German forces at that time. Talk about humiliation...

Japan's victory over the British in 1942 was also the reason Singapore conceived the idea of Total Defence 42 years later. To this day, the Public Warning Signal siren sounds away every 15th of February.

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