Sunday 31 May 2020

Digital Prohibition

If you have witnessed content disappearing from the web, it is safe to assume that censortech has taken over the rule of internet law. From copyright law to anti-spam policies, censortech has forced regulators to remove content that are deemed unacceptable, and people such as Izabella Kaminska and Rana Foroohar have warned us that this dystopian future has arrived.

Speaking of Rana Foroohar, you might want to read her book "Don't Be Evil: How Big Tech Betrayed Its Principles - and All of Us" for good reasons. The Google of 2020 is not like the Google of 2004, when it used to be the friendly neighborhood search engine when I first encountered it. How times have changed, and not for the better.

For all we know, Big Tech companies have been bending the knee to rogue dictatorships who have zero tolerance for democracy, and the coming Beast dictatorship of Revelation 13, which was described in Revelation 17:8 as "the beast that was, and is not, and yet it is." This Beast, and rival dictators will be frenemies who will try to defeat Jesus on his Second Coming, but will utterly fail hard, with the Beast condemned to the Lake of Fire, and the dictators perishing horribly.

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