Tuesday 14 December 2021

Reason for Calamity

Maybe we should not have ditched the Anno Mundi Calendar. It's possible the natural disasters caused by climate change were the result of us severing ties with God. Yet we persist on following traditions that were not only not found in the Bible, but were actually prohibited by God. No wonder the calamities Earth is suffering from over the past few decades are getting worse and worse. It's time we go back to the Anno Mundi Calendar and turn back to God.

Whoever thinks Jesus was born a few days after the Winter Solstice is clearly unaware that nowhere in the Bible does it tell us to observe Jesus' birth. In fact, the exact date of Jesus' birth was never listed in the Bible, although the clues claim that Jesus was born near the end of September, with the clues being shepherds watching their flocks and a population census was being carried out. Shepherds would never take their flocks out in the cold winter weather, and nobody in the right mind would carry out a population census in winter. Maybe Jesus was born near the Autumn Equinox. Who knows?

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