Monday 13 December 2021

Why We Dislike Mondays

If there is any genuine reason for a lot of people, including Garfield, to hate Mondays, blame "the little horn" from Daniel 7 for tricking us into following a clumsy man-made calendar that is not of Godly origin. Maybe this is why God is so displeased with us that he is judging the Earth to the point that some people regret ditching the Anno Mundi Calendar for a clumsy man-made calendar that is not of Godly origin. We should go back to observing the days, weeks, months and years according to the Anno Mundi Calendar. Only then will we be truly able to count the 1260 days of the Great Tribulation until the return of the Chosen One.

The Anno Mundi Calendar states that the week begins at the end of the true Sabbath, which occurs on the sunset of Saturday. But "the little horn" makes us begin the working week at the stroke of midnight on Monday. The Anno Mundi Calendar states that the months begin with the new moons, But this "little horn" makes us begin the months according to a clumsy man-made calendar that is not of Godly origin. The Anno Mundi Calendar states that the year begins on the Spring Equinox, when life starts budding in nature everywhere, yet "the little horn" tricked a deluded world into beginning the year in the middle of dead winter.

Eventually, our hatred of Mondays will disappear when Yeshua eliminates "the little horn" for all the deceitfulness that deluded the world for thousands of years. Garfield will be very happy to welcome Yeshua back, for he will set everything right by making the Earth go back to following the Anno Mundi Calendar again.

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