Thursday 3 February 2022

Deutschland The Betrayer

It's official. Germany's true colours have been made known to the whole world. Germany trolled Ukraine by giving only 5000 helmets but no weapons while NATO transport planes were not allowed to fly over German airspace to deliver supplies to Ukraine. Even former boxing champion and current mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko calls Germany's trolling of Ukraine an unforgivable betrayal. However, this betrayal is not surprising. The late Herbert W Armstrong predicted that Germany will become the greatest enemy of everybody, including the Anglosphere, the Israeli state, and Russia. Even Japan could have become a victim of Germany's treachery had the Axis Powers won World War 2 because new evidence reveals that Germany and Japan had plans to go to war against each other after vanquishing the Allied Powers, which thankfully never happened.

Apparently, it's time for us to expose Germany's shadow government before they send a cease and desist against fair use and the First Amendment. Germany already wanted Twitter alternative Gab gone, and now they want to betray NATO and give Ukraine over to Russia. Even Russia should know that Germany cannot be trusted. The last time Russia trusted Germany, it led to the Russo-German War. What's happening with Ukraine will cause yet another Russo-German War, which will suck in Asian countries into the nuclear maelstrom. Such a war would be so terrible that Jesus will have to return to end it all and lock the Evil One in the bottomless pit for 1000 years.

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