Saturday 26 February 2022

The Russo-Ukrainian War

On the 24th of February, 2022, Russia declared war on Ukraine. Apparently, the Russian people took to the streets of Moscow and St Petersburg to protest against the Russian Armed Forces going to war against the wrong enemy. Ukraine was never Russia's biggest enemy. The United States of America and its allies are not Russia's biggest enemies either. The real enemy that Russia should vent their anger on is Germany. Germany's shadow government wanted to turn Ukraine into a German protectorate, which was why Russia went to war against Ukraine in the first place. It gets even worse when you read "Russia and China in Prophecy" and soon realise that Russia's biggest enemy is not the United States of America, but Germany.

Perhaps these comics will reveal more about Germany's true intentions. Then we will finally have a grand coalition that will unite against Germany's shadow government and save the day.

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