Thursday 3 March 2022

Nintendo Switch 5th Anniversary Special Letter

Can you believe that the Nintendo Switch has been around for five years? Some people expected it to fail like the Wii U or the Virtual Boy or the Game Boy Micro, or even expect it to become Nintendo's equivalent of the Sega Dreamcast. But look where the Nintendo Switch is currently right now sales wise. It has successfully overtaken the NES, the SNES, the N64, and even the Wii as the best-selling Nintendo home console of all time.

Unfortunately, because of Nintendo's arrogance, they have made their customers angry. The copyright takedowns being due to their zero tolerance against intellectual property piracy policy seems understandable as copyright infringement has been weaponized by organized crime. However, the closure of the 3DS and Wii U eShops have made the people who want to boycott Nintendo strengthen their resolve to press on with their boycott of Nintendo's products. Even worse is that Nintendo has not fixed the Joy-Con Drift issue, which is making the customer dissatisfaction problem worse.

With all that said, if we all want to boycott Nintendo, maybe consider finding alternatives like Linux or the Steam Deck. If we vote with our wallets, we can force Nintendo to humble themselves and teach them the error of their ways.

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