Sunday 3 July 2022

The Boycott Nintendo Conundrum

If Nintendo becomes a Japanese Disney rat, I will go ham on boycotting Nintendo, just like how Disney is being heavily battered by boycotters.

Let's face it. As long as the Japanese government continues to deny Japan's World War 2 war crimes, there will always be consumers who will shun Japanese products. One of the targets of this boycott is Nintendo, whose copyright takedowns have angered consumers, prompting them to stage boycotts against Nintendo. Many of the boycotters who shun Nintendo would resort to buycotting PlayStation, XBox, and Valve's Steam. However, we should be buycotting the parallel economy instead, even if it means supporting a movement that leftists would classify as terrorists. The problem is that the parallel economy does not even have it's own version of Steam. But I wish the parallel economy had their very own version of Steam. Then we can make leftists cry, and boycott Nintendo without any strings attached. Who knows, perhaps somebody from Japan will expose his country's World War 2 atrocities as well as the repression that is being imposed on Japanese citizens by their own government by jumping ship on designing a game for this parallel economy version of Steam. Maybe that day will ultimately come. Until then, we will have to settle for the Steam Deck, as well as ramp up our fight for the freedom of the video game industry.

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