Wednesday 29 June 2022

German-made Anti-consumerism

Whoever said that Donald Trump was a bully who wanted German automobiles gone from American roads does not see the big picture about the German automakers' plans to deceive US government environmental agencies. Even South Korea is doing their part to punish German automakers for anti-trust law violations, although the fines slapped against them by the South Korean anti-trust regulators are not harsh enough, owing to the South Korean Won being a weak currency. Such deceitfulness by German businesses, along with Germany's shadow government trolling Ukraine by denying military hardware from arriving in Ukraine, and the suppression of German citizens' freedoms by said shadow government are all unforgivable grievances that need to be judged. Yet nobody is going after Germany's shadow government, but we wish somebody was. Perhaps one day, all the injustices we dislike, including anti-consumer business practices, will be eradicated.

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