Wednesday 8 June 2022

America's Sad Decline

Had we not disobeyed the Terms and Conditions given by the Holy Bible, America's decline would not be so terrible. Unfortunately, the United States is not only on the decline, it could actually be at death's door. The writings had been on the wall for the past 15 years, from abandoned suburbs, schools, factories and malls, to a dwindling economy. Even the freedom of the people is dwindling, and it's not just the end of the Golden Age of Internet Content Creators that symbolizes the decline of the people's freedoms. The First Amendment, as well as the Constitution of the United States of America, are also under threat of being abolished. However, there will always be those who oppose anybody who seek to weaken America by any means possible. Yet such people are hard to come by, meaning America is inevitably heading for the end.

However, the Bible already had this depressing story written out as a prophecy for our generation because what follows after this depressing chapter and the terrible wars that accompany it is a bright future where all ethnic groups live in harmony and are abiding to the Terms and Conditions given by the Holy Bible. How's that for a Golden Ending?

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