Thursday 16 June 2022

Helping a Just Cause

This is your last chance, Nintendo! Cease all copyright takedowns, or I will boycott you!

Remember the time I sent Nintendo a warning about them getting boycotted? Well, South Korea had already been calling for a boycott of Japanese brands since July 2019, with Nintendo being one of the targets of the boycott. In fact, now is the time for those who feel that Nintendo should be punished for copyright takedowns and employee abuse to start boycotting Nintendo and stand up for those who had been wronged by Nintendo.

Perhaps the woman who told Nintendo salespeople "I hope you fail!" back in 1985 should now be christened as a heroine of freedom, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and justice. Unfortunately, we will never know her real name...

For those who wish to know where the "I'm Doing My Part!" picture came from, it was from the 1997 Starship Troopers film.

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