Author's Note: This comic used a popular meme template from the Halo machinima series Red vs Blue about somebody being deceived.
For those wondering what Red vs Blue is, it is a popular machinima series based on Microsoft's Halo series made by Rooster Teeth. In fact, this machinima series was officially endorsed by Microsoft.
What if it turns out that France, the Benelux nations, and the Scandinavian countries turned out to be distant descendants of the lost tribes of northern Israel? This could be the biggest plot twist that those studying Bible prophecy should be aware of, because for all we know, France could be the lost tribe of Reuben, the Netherlands, the lost tribe of Zebulun, and Sweden, the lost tribe of Naphtali. Another major plot twist to watch out for is that the clay part of the iron and clay feet of the statue of Daniel 2 represents the European nations founded by the ten lost tribes of northern Israel. In fact, some of these European countries, including France, Netherlands, and Sweden, are members of the European Union, which was born out of the ratification of the Treaty of Rome, and Rome was the seat of power of a great false church that disapproves of anyone who questions their authority, much like the Roman Empire that persecuted the Christianity of the early Apostles. Also, the European Union, like the Roman Empire, is being run by corrupt bureaucrats that dislike freedom, if the European Union's Digital Services Act being internet censorship made by Germany is any indication. If corrupt bureaucrats working for a shadow government that has always been Germany's true rulers being in league with a great false church results in the resurrected Roman Empire carrying out one last attempt to conquer the world, then France, Netherlands and Sweden have indeed been tricked, backstabbed and bamboozled.
However, God is going to ensure that the nations descended from the lost tribes of northern Israel, as well as the lineage of Judah, will exit the Babylonian system that the European Union tries to uphold. In Revelation 18:4, the biggest instruction is to exit Babylon, whether you are a descendant of Judah, or any of the northern Israelite tribes, or even a Gentile. Escape from the Babylonian system while you still can, because when the Doomsday Clock hits Zero Hour, extremely bad things will happen. But all of these calamities will end with the demise of the Babylonian system that began with the Tower of Babel because Christ will come back to prevent mankind's extinction by demolishing the Babylonian system and locking up the Evil One in the bottomless pit for 1000 Anno Mundi years. Only then will all of humanity, be they descendants of the Israelite tribes or Gentiles, be free from the wickedness that have caused a lot of suffering.
Halo © Microsoft. Red vs Blue © Rooster Teeth.