Thursday 7 September 2023

Redacted Discrimination

Have you ever wondered how badly Zainichi Koreans had been mistreated? In Japan, they have been called dirty, smelly, lazy and stupid. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Zainichi Koreans have often been persecuted for being leftists. In fact, they get mistreated even worse than Japanese leftists. Then there's the Zainichi Koreans that left Japan for to South Korea. Contrary to Seoul's propaganda claiming that Zainichi Koreans that returned to South Korea are likened to the prodigal son from the Parable of the Prodigal Son, Zainichi Koreans still get discriminated in South Korea, although the discrimination is not as bad as in Japan. Maybe it's because Zainichi Koreans have become inclined towards leftism, which does not have God in it, and democratic countries do not have any tolerance towards leftism because leftists have become more hostile towards democracy, Biblical Values, and free speech.

At the end of the day, there is nothing noble about socialism or leftism. All because socialism is atheistic and leftism aims to eliminate conservative values. At this rate of leftism becoming less of a noble cause, looks like freedom and liberty are going to be officially dead within a few years' time...

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