Friday 26 April 2024

Regulatory Imperialism

Nobody wants to hear this, but the real truth about the growing Internet censorship, be it the copyright takedowns or the European Union, Brazil and Australia calling for the censorship of X (formerly Twitter), is that Germany has imposed its will on the World Wide Web through mundane, boring legislation. It's called regulatory imperialism, and the European Union is weaponizing it. This is even more dangerous than the last time Germany plunged the world into a global conflict because the corrupt bureaucrats, their pawns and their allies will be screaming for your imprisonment for saying bad things about them online or just trying to defend free speech, Fair Use and freedom of creativity. It gets even worse when you learn that countries that are not part of the European Union such as Brazil, Japan, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, have signed regulation treaties with the European Union, meaning the only way to do business with the European Union is to obey their regulations. This includes copyright regulations, which can explain all the copyright takedowns, whether they are unlawful or not.

In conclusion, we are indeed living in the twilight days of Internet freedom, and its all the fault of an undemocratic institution that cheated and lied to millions of Europeans, including the French and the Germans...

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