Saturday 11 May 2024

United By Epic Handshakes

People doing the Epic Handshake from Predator (1987), from left to right: Spelunker (Spelunker) and Wynn (Mystery of Atlantis), Lucia (Wing of Madoola) and Yuko (Valis), Ptolemy (The Fairyland Story) and Ripple (Magical Chase), Megumin (Konosuba) and Atsuko (Little Witch Academia).

Author's Note: This comic is dedicated to the memory of Carl Weathers, who passed away earlier this year. He will be best remembered for his role as Dillon from the 1987 movie Predator, in which Dillon and Arnold Schwarzenegger's character Dutch invented the Epic Handshake meme years before the World Wide Web went mainstream.

In order to stand up against the coming darkness, we all need to do the Epic Handshake to stand united. This is important because the turmoil of the last days will be way worse than the turmoil from the past 120 years that has come and gone.

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