Tuesday 30 June 2020

Halfway Mark

Yes, the first six months of 2020 were terrible. From the pandemic, to the rioting in America, to the web censorship that is taking over the rule of copyright law, to the acts of war that threaten to trigger World War 3, surely Jesus was right about the "Beginning of Sorrows" spoken about in Matthew 24:8.

The first half of 2020 is over, meaning we are halfway through this terrible year. But do not expect the second half of 2020 to be better, and do not even get started on 2021.

Monday 29 June 2020

Two sides of a bad coin

Autocracy and anarchy have always been two sides of the same evil coin since biblical times. In fact, people who have been observing signs of the end times are getting closer to witnessing the worst years in the history of mankind. From America being in turmoil, to rogue dictators getting angrier, devastating pestilences, and censortech taking over the rule of copyright law.

Currently, Germany looks like they are doing well, being on the top ten least corrupt countries list, as well as having fewer cases and deaths from the current pandemic than several European countries and America. However, not everybody sees it that way. The sad reality is that German democracy in 2020 is sitting on less stable foundations than in 1932, which was during the Great Depression era. Some people are even claiming that the "king of fierce countenance" from Daniel 8:23 will rise in 2021, the year of Germany's next General Election. This "king of fierce countenance" will, however, not come to power through the ballot box, but rather, through flattery, if Daniel 11:32 was a hint.

The past five years had not been good, especially when digital freedom had been eroded by censortech, cyber-security issues and bad comments that provoked the legal authorities to crack down. However, we must remember that the "beginning of sorrows" may have begun in 2016. For those who say that the turn of the tide began in 2017, it is actually more of a countdown to a final showdown between good and evil, one which will ultimately end with the Evil One's tyranny over our fallen Earth being terminated by Yeshua, who is coming back to liberate us.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

T-90 Future Upgrades

Given that the Russian Ministry of Defence had officially called for the discontinuation of T-14 tank production in favour of restarting T-90 tank production as a result of financial evaluations, expect the Russian Ministry of Defence to receive genius ideas for new T-90 variants, including variants that would only exist in science fiction.

The first two T-90 variants are based on double-barreled tanks that were originally thought to exist only in the Command and Conquer series. However, the World of Tanks production team has officially acquired historical evidence of Russia producing double-barreled tanks, and they found out that practicality issues were the reason double-barreled tanks were rejected by the Russian Ministry of Defence, and yes, this proposal was during the Soviet Era, which fits perfectly with the Soviet Union using double-barreled tanks in Command and Conquer's Red Alert trilogy. The first variant is armed with the AK-130 naval gun used by the Russian Navy, while the second variant would be an actual double-barreled version of the T-90.

Flame Tanks actually exist in real life. It's just that they were phased out after World War 2. However, Russia might consider producing flamethrower versions of the T-90 in a possible World War 3 scenario, assuming that they have enough time to create any experimental T-90 variants.

Serbia, the birthplace of the Tesla Coil, was always an ally of Russia, not only for two World Wars, but also the entire Cold War as well. So it would make sense that in order to win the Cold War, Russia needed Nikola Tesla's blueprints for a death ray. During World War 2, Germany tried to find Nikola Tesla's blueprints, but so did Russia. However, neither country found the blueprints for Nikola Tesla's death ray, which could explain why no country's armed forces have the Tesla Coil. So the Tesla Tank is better off in the Red Alert trilogy, unless the Russian Ministry of Defence approves of the production of a Tesla Coil variant of the T-90. Speaking of Serbia's relations with Russia, when NATO bombed Yugoslavia in 1995 and 1999, Russia condemned the bombings as "illegal and illegitimate." Serbia even blamed Germany for the break-up of Yugoslavia, and Russia suspects that their arch-rival America, as well as the NATO Alliance, was coerced into carrying out these "illegal and illegitimate" attacks against Yugoslavia. No wonder Russia and anyone aligned with them dislikes America. America and NATO should be reining in Germany if they knew that Germany was the imperialist power that broke up Yugoslavia. But instead, they helped Germany acquire vassal states and protectorates.

If World War 3 were to erupt, expect Russia to unleash everything their armed forces have, including experimental variants of the T-90 tank that would sound like they came straight out of science fiction, on their foes.

Friday 19 June 2020


When even a hacking syndicate knows that TikTok is spyware, you know that we should boycott TikTok.

Recently, there has been a massive campaign on Twitter calling for TikTok to be banned, and most of these tweets that support the hashtag #BanTikTok come from India and Pakistan. The anti-TikTok campaign is proof that even if India and Pakistan are mortal enemies, a common enemy such as TikTok is what it will take for them to put their differences aside.

To be honest, TikTok is a terrible app. There are people whose TikTok accounts got terminated by the management for no reason. The censorship is horrible because it does not block "Not Safe For Work" content, yet it bans people with special needs, as well as permanently suspending people who insult the app's Chinese owners. Even Chinese TikTok users got permanent suspensions just for looking like their country's president. So, if you dislike TikTok so much, isn't it time you terminate your TikTok account and uninstall the TikTok app from your devices?

Thursday 18 June 2020

The Cliff

Remember, if you want to live, do not fall off cliffs.

Blocker Lemmings force other Lemmings to change directions when there are no walls at the end of whichever direction they are going.

Goombas from Super Mario Bros always walk blindly from one end to another, even into bottomless pits. Like the Lemmings, they only change direction when they run into obstacles.

Some of Dirk the Daring's death animations from Dragon's Lair involve him falling to his doom.

One of the reasons Spelunker is portrayed as the weakest action hero in the history of video games is that he can only fall a certain height, and any height higher than that will mean instant death.

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Missing, But Actually Deceased

The premise of Spelunker World/Spelunker Party revolves around Spelunker going in search of his missing father. Eventually, at the end of level 4-25, if certain requirements are met, it was later revealed that the reason Spelunker's father disappeared was that he was deceased all along, having lost his life protecting a faerie child.

While closing cold cases is not what the comic's author specializes in, it's good that cold cases involving missing parents get any form of closure. Now all we need is the real reason why Ash Ketchum's father and grandfather disappeared, and we can all either go back to our lives or prepare for the coming dark times that are fast approaching.

Spelunker World/Spelunker Party © Square Enix/Tozai Games

Monday 8 June 2020

Shorts Purge

Kandagawa Jet Girls was expected to be an all-female spiritual successor to Nintendo's Wave Race series, given that it was a jet ski racing anime. However, outside of the jet ski races, Kandagawa Jet Girls contains some "Not Safe For Work" scenes. What's more, Kandagawa Jet Girls is basically Wave Race with laser tag and removable wetsuits. For example, Misa's shorts got shot, and "disengaged," exposing her swimwear bottoms. The commentators call this term "suit purge." Such elements were never featured in any of the Wave Race games, which leaves the Wave Race fanbase puzzled if they did watch Kandagawa Jet Girls. And that's excluding the "Not Safe For Work" scenes outside the jet ski races.

In other words, Kandagawa Jet Girls might just be the spiritual successor to the Wave Race series that the Wave Race fanbase needs, if it were not for the "Not Safe For Work" scenes.

Kandagawa Jet Girls © Kadokawa/Marvelous.

Sunday 7 June 2020

Sweden and Switzerland

Let's be honest, neutrality is no longer an option. The Bible does not want us to be neutral when the dark days of the end times come. Tribulation will be so bad that it will be worse than all the bad times throughout history combined. So choose wisely.

Speaking of neutrality, Sweden and Switzerland did not fight for the Central Powers during World War 1 or for the Axis Powers during World War 2 or for the Allied Powers in both World Wars 1 and 2. However, in war, there is no such thing as neutrality, therefore, Sweden and Switzerland should not be classified as neutral countries, but instead, they should be classified as "Independent" factions.

Saturday 6 June 2020

Puyo Puyo Tetris

Author's Note: If you can understand Russian, the comic's title reads "Puyo Puyo Tetris," the Puyo are saying "Puyo Puyo" and the last panel has the word "Splat" spelled in Russian. And yes, this comic was originally created to commemorate the launch of Puyo Puyo Tetris. In other words, well done, Sega. You actually created one of the best Tetris games ever made.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Prohibited Content

Author's Note: No outrage of modesty intended in this comic.

2nd Panel: The shorts that got pulled down is Peach's Super Mario Strikers shorts. The pink and white striped panties is a reference to a Puyo Puyo fan art picture involving Schezo pulling Arle's skirt down, revealing her striped panties. The picture, however, no longer exists.

3rd Panel: One of the death animations in Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped involve Crash getting his pants slashed by a swordsman with a scimitar in the medieval Middle Eastern stages. The skirt that got slashed by the scimitar is based on May's Wallace Cup costume from the Pokemon TV series.

4th Panel: With references to two of my past comics, pouring water into a pair of panties is not an appropriate way to get a pair of panties (or female swimwear bottoms) wet.

These 3 panels serve as examples of content that could be prohibited when new internet regulations get implemented over time.

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